Зображення сторінки


[Chiefly published or announced since July, 1898.]


CROOK (J. W.). German Wage

Theories. A History of their Development. [In Columbia Univ. Studies.] New York: Macmillan Co. 8vo. pp. 113. $1.

ESPINAS (A.). La Philosophie Sociale du XVIIIe Siècle et la Révolution. Paris: F. Alcan. 8vo. pp. 412. GARELLI (A.).

Filosofia del monopolio. Milan: Hoepli. 8vo. pp. 279. 4 1.

GRAZIANI (A.). Studi sulla Teoria dell' Interesse. Turin: Bocca. 8vo.

HENDERSON (Charles R.).


Elements. Institutions, Character, Progress. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 8vo. pp. 412. $1.50. LILIENFELD (P.). Zur Vertheidigung der organischen Methode in der Sociologie. Berlin: G. Reimer. 8vo. pp. 76. 1.20 m. SOUCHON (A.). Les Théories Economiques dans la Grèce Antique. Paris: L. Larose. 12mo. pp. 205. 3 fr.

TARDE (G.). Les Lois Sociales. Esquisse d'une Sociologie. Paris: Alcan. 12mo. pp. 165. 2.50 fr. Etudes de Psychologie Sociale. Paris: Giard & Brière. 8vo. pp. 326. 7 fr.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Malthus: A Centennial Review. Yale Rev., Aug.

HYDE (A. M.). Concept of Pricedetermining Rent. Journ. Polit. Econ., June.



dürfnisse und Gruppenbildung. Zeitschr. Volksw., Soc.-Pol., und Verw., 7, Heft 2.

LEVASSEUR (E.). De la Méthode dans les Sciences Economiques. Revue Bleu, March 5, 12. LINDSAY (S. M.). The Study and Teaching of Sociology [summary of discussion on]. Annals Amer. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci., July.

The Unit of Investigation in Sociology. Annals Amer. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci., Sept. MALLOCK (W. H.). Mr. Herbert Spencer in Self-defence. Nineteenth Cent., Aug.

NEUMANN (F. J.). Wirthschaftliche Gesetze nach früherer und jetziger Auffassung. Jahrb. Nat. Oek., 16, Heft 1. PANTALEONI (M.). An Attempt to analyze the Concepts of "Strong and Weak" in their Economic Connection. Econ. Journ., June. SOREL (G.). Nuovi Contributi alla Teoria Marxistica del Valore. Giorn. degli Econ., July.

SPENCER (Herbert).

What is Social Evolution? [Reply to Mallock.] Nineteenth Cent., Sept. VEBLEN (T.). The Instinct of Workmanship and the Irksome

ness of Labor. Amer. Journ. Sociol., Sept.

WINES (F. H.). Sociology and Philanthropy. Annals Amer. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci., July.


ALDRICH (M. A.). The American Federation of Labor. [In Economic Studies, publ. by Amer. Econ. Assoc.] New York: Macmillan Co. 12mo. pp. 47. 50 cts. BROOKE (E.). A Tabulation of the Factory Laws of European Countries [as to hours of labor, and women, young persons, and children]. London: Richards. 8vo. pp. 521. 2s. 6d.

BUREAU (P.). L'Association de l'Ouvrier au Profit du Patron et la Participation aux Bénéfices. Paris: A. Rousseau. Svo. pp. 322. COULET (E.). La Fédération Agricole: Le Mouvement Syndical et Co-opératif dans l'Agriculture Française. Paris: C. Coulet.

Svo. pp. 236. 5 fr. COUTAREL (A.). Le Participationisme, ou la Justice dans l'Organisation du Travail. Paris: Giard & Brière. 8vo. pp. 380. 6 fr. HOLLAND (L.). Suggestions for a Scheme of Old-age Pensions. London: Arnold. Svo. pp. 150. 13. 6d.

LLOYD (H. D.). Labor Copartnership. Notes of a visit to co-operative workshops, factories, and farms in Great Britain and Ireland. New York: Harpers. 12mo. pp. 356. Illustr. $1. MABILLEAU (C. R.) and RocQUIGNY (Comte). La Prévoyance Sociale en Italie. [In Bibl. du Musée Social] Paris: Colin. 12mo. 4 fr. SAINT-FERRÉOL (A.). La Réforme Agraire et Ouvrière en Action. Paris: Giard & Brière. 12mo. 4 fr.


riat méconnu: Etude sur la situation sociale et économique des ouvriers juifs. Paris: F. Alcan. Svo. 2.50 fr.

WEBB (Sidney and Beatrice). Prob

lems of Modern Industry. Essays. London and New York: Longmans, Green & Co. 8vo. pp. 294. $2.50.

WYCKOFF (W. A.). The Workers: The West. Illustr. New York: Scribner's. 12mo. $1.50.

In Periodicals.

BERTOLINI (A.). Scioperi in Italia
e all' Estero. Giorn. degli Econ.,
BUXTON (N.). Labor Homes [in
England]. Econ. Rev., July.
EDWARDS (Clement). Der Aus-
stand der englischen Machinenar-
beiter. Archiv Soz. Gesetzg., 12,
Heft 5, 6.
FARNAM (H. W.). Labor Crises
and their Periods in the United
States. Yale Rev., Aug.
FELTON (Katherine). Roussier's
Theory of the Evolution of the
Laborer. Journ. Polit. Econ.,

FRANCKE (E.). Die Arbeiterverhältnisse im Hafen von Hamburg. Jahrb. f. Gesetzg., 22, Heft 3. GALTON (F. W.). Die Fortschritte der englischen Gewerkvereine. Archiv Soz. Gesetzg., 12, Heft 3, 4.

JOHNSON (E. R.). Brotherhood Re-
lief and Insurance of Railway Em-
ployees. Bulletin Dept. of Labor,
KELLEY (Florence). The United
States Supreme Court and the
Utah Eight Hours' Law. Amer.
Journ. of Sociol., July.

LOCH (C. S.). Poor Relief in Scot-
land: Its Statistics and Develop-
ment, 1791-1891.
Journ. Roy.
Statist. Soc., June.
Wage Movement. Pol. Sci. Quar-
terly, Sept.

The Living

[blocks in formation]

BERNARD (F.). Les Systèmes de Culture, et la Spéculation Agricole. Paris: Masson. 12mo. pp. 403. 4 fr. BROUGH (C. H.).

Irrigation in Utah. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press. 8vo. pp. 212. $1. FUCHS (C. J.). Die Epochen der deutschen Agrargeschichte und Agrarpolitik. [Akademische Antrittsvorlesung.] Fischer. Svo. G. SCHIFF (W.). Oesterreich's Agrarpolitik seit der Grundentlastung. 1 Band. Tübingen: H. Laupp. 8vo. pp. 692. 14 m.

1 m.


In Periodicals.

BALLOD (C.). Die Bedeutung der

Landwirthschaft und der Industrie in Deutschland. Jahrb. Gesetzg., 22, Heft 3. CONRAD (J.). Agrarstatistische Untersuchungen. V: Grossgrundbesitz in Schlesien. Jahrb. Nat. Oek., 15, Heft 6.

KOLLMAN (P.). Die Heuerleute im oldenbergischen Münsterlande. Jahrb. Nat. Oek., 16, Heft 2. TAFT (0.). Land Credit. Journ. Polit. Econ., Sept.

WEGENER (E.). Die Landschaften und die preussischen Hypothekenbanken, unter Berücks. ländl. Grundbesitz. Ann. des Deutsch. Reichs, No. 7, 8.



CROKER (E. G. O'B.). Retrospective Lessons on Railway Strikes:

United Kingdom. London: Simpkin. 8vo. pp. 212. 2s. 6d.

In Periodicals.

CURTI (T.). Die Verstaatlichung der schweizerischen Eisenbahnen. Archiv Soz. Gesetzg., 12, Heft 3, 4. MCLEAN (S. J.). Early Canadian Railroad Policy. Journ. Polit. Econ., June.

NEWCOMB (H. T.). The Decline in Railway Rates: Some of its Causes

and Results. Journ. Polit. Econ., Sept.

PEROZZO (L.). Spese di Esercizio delle Reti Ferroviarie. Giorn. degli Econ., Sept.

UNSIGNED. Le Rachat des Chemins de Fer en Suisse. Circulaire No. 18, Musée Social.


SMITH (G. Armitage). The Free-
trade Movement and its Results.
[In Victorian Era Series.] Lon-
don: Blackie. 12mo.
28. 6d.

pp. 244.


CLEWS (H.). Wall Street and the Nation. Finance and Politics; the last twelve years. Boston: Lamson, Wolffe & Co. $2.50. [Announced.]

EASTON (H. T.). The Work of a Bank. London: Effingham Wilson. 8vo. pp. 136. 28. LAUGHLIN (J. Laurence, editor). Report of the Monetary Commission of the Indianapolis Convention. I. Metallic Money; II. Banking; III. Government Obligations. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 8vo. pp. 608.

MACLEOD (H. D.). Indian Currency. London: Longmans. 8vo. 2s. 6d.

STRAULINO (G.). Le Istituzioni di Credito e la Circolazione Monetaria nello Stato: Studio di Economia Politica. Florence: Frat. Bocca. 8vo. pp. 236. 2.50 fr.

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In Periodicals.


GIRETTI (E.). Le Illusioni ed i Danni del Protezionismo. degli Econ., Sept.

HOBSON (J. A.). Free Trade and Foreign Policy. Contemp. Rev., Aug.


In Periodicals.

ATKINSON (F. J.). Silver Prices in India for 1897 [with review since 1870]. Journ. Roy. Statist. Soc., June. HELFFERICH (K.). Die Entwickelung des deutschen Notenwesens unter dem Bankgesetz von 1875. Jahrb. f. Gesetzg., 22, Heft 3. MAYO-SMITH (R.). Movements of Prices. Pol. Sci. Quarterly, Sept. NITTI (F.). Essai sur les Variations du Taux de l'Escompte. Rev. d'Écon. Pol., May. TAYLOR (F. M.). Report of the Indianapolis Monetary Convention. Journ. Polit. Econ., June. WOLFF (H. W.). Money in the Wrong Place [savings-bank deposits]. Econ. Rev., July.


CARVER (J. N.). The Ohio Tax
Inquisitor Law. [In Economic
Studies, publ. by Amer. Econ.
Assoc.] New York: Macmillan
Co. 8vo. pp. 43. 50 cts.

[blocks in formation]

HECKEL (Max). Das Budget. [In

Hand- und Lehrbuch der Staatsw.] Leipzig: L. Hirschfeld. 8vo. pp. 360. 10 m.

ISSAIEFF (A. A.). Zur Politik des russischen Finanzministeriums seit Mitte der achziger Jahre. Stuttgart: J. H. W. Dietz. 8vo. pp. 71. 1.50 m.

URDAHL (T. K.). The Fee System in the United States. I. Histori

cal Review; II. The Present System. Madison, Wis.: Reprinted from Trans. of Wisconsin Academy of Sciences. 8vo. pp. 242.

In Periodicals.

ALLEN (W. H.). Charter Tax of the Illinois Central Railroad. Journ. Polit. Econ., June.

ARCUCCI (E.). Debito Pubblico Ottomano. Giorn. degli Econ., July.

BULLOCK (C. J.). Direct and Indirect Taxes. Pol. Sci. Quarterly, Sept. LEROY-BEAULIEU (P.). La Situation de l'Espagne et les Finances Espagnoles. [Series of three articles.] L'Econ. Français, Aug. 13, 20, 27.

LIPPERT (G.). Die Frage des Alcoholmonopols. Zeitschr. Volksw., Soc.-Pol., und Verw., 7, Heft 2. MYRBACH (F.). Die Reform der direkten Steuern in Oesterreich. 2 Artikel. Jahrb. Gesetzg., 22, Heft 3.

PUVIANI (A.). Illusione Finanziaria mediante Associazione delle Pene delle Imposte fra loro e con Altre Pene. Giorn. degli Econ., Aug. SIEGHART (R.). The Reform of Direct Taxation in Austria. Econ. Journ., June.

WEST (M.). Recent Inheritancetax Statutes and Decisions. Journ. Polit. Econ., Sept.


BRAUNAGL (E.). Zwei Dörfer der badischen Rheinebene unter besond. Berücks. ihrer Allmendverhältnisse. [In Schmoller's Forschungen.] Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot. 8vo. pp. 95. 2.20 m. GRUNZEL (J.). Die Reichenberger Tuchindustrie in ihrer Entwickelung vom zünftigen Handwerk zur modernen Grossindustrie. Prague: H. Dominicus. 8vo. pp. 185. 2 m.

HEINS (M.). La Vie Sociale Moderne: Causeries sur les Éléments ... des Sociétés Humaines. Paris: Guillaumin. 8vo. 6 fr. KOVALEWSKI (M.). Le Régime Économique de la Russie. (In Bibliothèque Sociol. Intern.) Paris: Giard & Brière. 8vo. pp. 362. 7 fr.

ROBINSON (HARRIET H.). Loom and Spindle; or, Life among the Early Mill Girls. With Introduction by Carroll D. Wright. New York: T. Y. Crowell & Co. 16mo. pp. 223. $1.25. SOLMI (A.). Le Associazioni in Italia avanti le Origine del Commune. Saggio di Storia Economica e Giuridica. Modena: Soc. Tipogr. 12mo. pp. 140. 41.

In Periodicals.

GHIDIGLIA (C.). La Pubblicazione dei Documenti Finanziari dell' Antica Repubblica di Venezia. Giorn. degli Econ., Sept.

HOPKINS (E. W.). Ancient and Modern Hindu Guilds. II. Yale Rev., Aug.

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