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HAVE the courage to discharge a debt, while you have got the money in your pocket. Have the courage to do without that which you do not need, however much you may admire it.

Have the courage to speak your mind when it is necessary that you should do so, and to hold your tongue when it is better that you should be silent.

Have the courage to speak to a friend in a "seedy" coat, even in the street, and when a rich one is nigh; the effort is less than many people take it to be, and the act is worthy a king.

Have the courage to set down every penny you spend, and add it up weekly.

Have the courage to pass your host's lackey at the door, without giving him a shilling.

when you know you cannot afford it, and, what is more, that the man has not earned it.

Have the courage to own that you are poor, and you disarm poverty of its sharpest sting.

Have the courage to laugh at your personal defects, and the world will be deprived of that pleasure, by being reminded of their


Have the courage to admit that you have been in the wrong, and you will remove the fact from the mind of others, putting a desirable impression in the place of an unfavorable


Have the courage to adhere to a first resolution, when you cannot change it for a better, and to abandon it at the eleventh hour, upon conviction.

Have the courage to acknowledge your age to a day, and to compare it with the average life of man. Have the courage to make a will, and, what is more, a just one.

Have the courage to face a difficulty, lest it kick you harder than you bargain for: difficulties, like thieves, often disappear at a glance.

Have the courage to avoid accommodation bills, however badly you want money; and to

decline pecuniary assistance from your dearest friend.

Have the courage to shut your eyes at the prospect of large profits, and to be content with small ones.

Have the courage to tell a man why you will not lend him your money; he will respect you more than if you tell him you can't.

Have the courage to "cut" the most agreeable acquaintance you possess, when he convinces you that he lacks principle: “a friend should bear with a friend's infirmities"-not his vices.

Have the courage to show your preference for honesty, in whatever guise it appears; and your contempt for vice, surrounded by attrac


Have the courage to give, occasionally, that which you can ill afford to spare; giving what you do not want nor value, neither brings nor deserves thanks in return; who is grateful for a drink of water from another's overflowing well, however delicious the draught?

Have the courage to wear your old garments till you can pay for new ones.

Have the courage to obey your Maker, at the risk of being ridiculed by man.


Have the courage to wear thick boots in winter, and to insist upon your wife and daughters doing the like.

Have the courage to acknowledge ignorance of any kind; every body will imme diately doubt you, and give you more credit than any false pretensions could secure.

Have the courage to prefer propriety to fashion-one is but the abuse of the other.

Have the courage to listen to your wife, when you should do so, and not to listen when you should not. [This applies to husbands.]

Have the courage to provide a frugal dinner for a friend whom you "delight to honor;" when you cannot afford wine, offer him porter; the importance of most things is that which we ourselves attach to them.

Have the courage to ask a visitor to excuse you when his presence interferes with your convenience.

Have the courage to throw your snuff-box into the fire or the melting-pot; to pass a tobacconist's shop; and to decline the use of a friend's box, or even one pinch.

Have the courage to be independent if you can, and act independently when you may.

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