Зображення сторінки


Appendix to Note on Russia


I. Principles Guiding the Second Congress of the Third Inter-

II. Relations of the Communist International to the Russian
Trade Unions



III. Manifesto of July 15, 1920, of the International Council of
Trade Unions


IV. Lenin's 21 Conditions for Admission to the Third International


V. Bolshevist Congress of Eastern Peoples at Baku..
VI. Bukarin at the Third All-Russian Congress of Trade Unions.
VII. Labor Decrees of March 11, 1920..
VIII. The Collapse of the Last Bourgeois Illusion, Radek.





IX. Two Resolutions on Labor Mobilization of the Ninth Congress
of the Russian Communist Party, April 10, 1920.....
X. Resolution of the Ninth Congress of the Russian Communist
Party on Trade Unions, April 14, 1920..



XI. The Russian Trade Unions Join the Third International.
XII. Appeal of Third International to the Union Labor of the



XIII. Propaganda on the Russian Labor Front, April 15, 1920..
XIV. The Factory Committees.



XV. The Soviet Theory, From Lenin's Report to Ninth Congress,
March 31, 1920.....


XVI. Speech by Lenin on Peasants and Surplus Grain, March 7, 1920


XVII. Programme of The Communists (Bolsheviks), N. Bukharin.
XVIII. Zimmerwald Program



Document I


The following program, issued on July 15, 1920, by the Central Committee of the Russian Communist party, outlines the program of the approaching Second Congress of the Third International:

(1) The year which has just elapsed since the first Congress of the Third International has been characterized by a great development of the international labor movement in all countries, as well as by an unprecedented development of national revolutionary colonial movements.

(2) The dying world of capitalism is losing its last resort, which is the League of Nations; the growing Communist revolution is uniting its forces around the Third International.

(3) This increasing unity is finding expression in (a) the general watchword of the dictatorship of the proletariat, the Soviet regime and the mass revolutionary struggle for the Soviet regime; (b) the formation of Communist parties throughout the world; (c) the formation of works and factory committees and the struggle to insure participation of workmen in administration, which can be observed in almost all the large capitalist countries; (d) the simultaneous international struggle of the proletariat against any intervention in Russian affairs and against the White Terror in Hungary and Ireland; (e) the increasing wave of strikes and partial risings; (f) finally, the union of the proletariat around the Third International, which is now taking place.

(4) This is expressed by the fact that our foreign comrades will be splendidly represented at the Congress, it is being attended by delegates of all Communist parties and groups and sections closely allied with Communism, from England, Ireland, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Denmark, Holland, Switzerland, Norway, Poland, Bulgaria and the Balkans generally, Finland, etc., from the U. S. A., Africa and Australia, and finally from the East (India, Turkey, Persia, etc.).

(5) The principal object of the International Communist Congress is the introduction of complete unity of tactics into the international movement of the proletariat, and the

creation of a strong international headquarters for a proletarian uprising against world imperialism.

(6) The following are the most important questions to be discussed at the Congress: The organization of and the part to be played by the Communist party, participation in the trade union movement, works and factory committees, utilization of bourgeois parliaments, the national colonial question, Soviets, international proletarian discipline, etc.

(7) The Congress will have to struggle against members of the "Right" Central parties, who wish to join the Third International, because it is now a powerful force and has therefore become fashionable, and also against misunderstandings on the part of those comrades who are opposed to severe discipline, to the utilization of parliaments, and so forth.

(8) As the importance of the Congress to the international movement of the proletariat is immense, its importance therefore, to Soviet Russia, is gigantic, and it will facilitate our struggle against the pirates of international imperialism.

(9) By having the directing organization of the international revolutionary proletariat and by leading it to victory, the Communist International is preparing a fraternal union of toiling proletarian Soviet republics. This union will join together industrial and agrarian countries, will assist in the re-establishment of national economy on new principles, and will once and for all lead humanity out of the quagmire of capitalist wars, slavery, oppression and exploitation.

(10) The Soviet Republic of Russia is proud of the fact that it is guarding the world revolution, and that the Red army is defeating all enemies and thereby clearing the way for the victory of the world proletariat.

Document II



The Russian "Pravada" on April 3, 1920, contains an address of welcome by Zinoviev on behalf of the Communist International to the Third All-Russian Congress of Trade Unions then in session at Moscow. It is important as showing the way in which the Communist Party was absorbing the trades unions and shows that the plan to organize the International of Red Trades Unions was well under way. The text of this important document follows:

"Dear Comrades:

"The Executive Committee of the Communist International sends fraternal greetings to your Congress.

"The Executive Committee of the Communist International from the very beginning of its activity took the point of view that the Communist International is to be an organism uniting not only part organizations of workmen but also producers' unions and all other economic organizations of the proletariat.

"The great historic mission of the glorious trade unions of Russia at the present moment is to assume the initiative in creating an actually proletarian international union of Red trade unions, which will stand for dictatorship of the proletariat, and are ready to fight for this not in words but in fact. The Communist International considers it a mistake to believe that Communists should come out against the trade union movement as a whole. The Communist International is convinced that a great future in the Communist. construction awaits these producers' unions that are re-organized and torn from the hands of socialist-traitors, that are revolutionized and brought to the Communist International. It believes that we need trade unions just as man needs air, both in those countries where the proletariat is still struggling for authority and also in those countries where this authority is already in the hands of the proletariat. Therefore, the Communist International on its part will do everything that it can to assist the revolutionizing of the trade union movement in all countries and to assist the closer

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