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"The red dogs think so, any how," returned Wetzel.

"I suppose you are almost out of practice in killing them?"

"Well, I may say you are about half right, Ellit; I haint had a glimpse of one since last fall. I've got a strong notion to put off down to Kaintuck with you. They say they are not scarce thereabouts; but I can't agree to leave these settlements until I finish that cursed rascal, Old CrossFire. The scamp has balked me so often that I have sworn vengeance on him. I know he's still sneaking about these quarters, becase I come across some sign of him every now and then. I was out all last night and the night afore, in sarch of the old dog."

"You do not imagine," asked Elliot, "that he is lurking about here now, do you?"

"That's exactly what I think," said Wetzel.

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He will not dare molest us, Lewis ?"

"I wouldn't trust him."

"Lewis, how far is it to Short creek?"

"It might be twelve miles by the way you will have to go. Can you keep the track, think you?" "Miss Mason knows the course; she will have to pilot us along."

"Well, she wont lose the path, you may depend; she's an oncommon nice young woman, Ellit; and she rides equal to a trooper, in the bargain. But yonder comes your critters."

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"I am not afraid," said she; "I have went over it several times."

"It is a miserably poor one, Rose, I must say. I despise a road that makes me ride behind you perpetually; and, here, I am splashing you outrageously!"

"We will soon leave the run, and go up another ridge. The road will be better, then, I hope."

"And so do I, with all my soul! I almost wish I had not brought my gun along, as I find more difficulty in carrying it over this awful road than I expected."

"Do you think you could shoot a deer, Elliot?" "I do, most assuredly, Rose; and I hope to convince you that I can before we reach our journey's end."

"Is your gun well loaded?"

"Loaded!" reiterated Elliot; "the inquiry was well timed, for I really forgot to charge my gun before starting. Now, if we were to see a deer, I should be vexed almost to death."

"There is our turning-off place,” said Rose, as they reached the point at which the path diverged from the run, and they both rode out of the water.

"I must dismount here!" exclaimed Elliot, “to load my rifle. It will never do to ride through the woods with an empty rifle in one's hand, when he has powder and balls in abundance with him."

The young man dismounted his steed, and fastened the bridle to a sapling near by; after which, he commenced loading his rifle.

In another moment the horses were brought to the door. Rose made her appearance, and was "Make haste, Elliot!" exclaimed Rose, who still assisted into her saddle by Elliot; whilst Wetzel sat upon her saddle, " I see a deer up the run!" held her plump white poney by the bridle. "Indeed!" said the youth, as he hurriedly re"It really does me good, child, to see you look turned his ramrod; and quickly elevating his fireso well," said the scout to Rose. Now, be care-lock as high as his breast, he cast his eyes in the ful," he enjoined, "in riding along them steep direction designated by Rose's hand. ridges, child. I'll be right down oneasy until I hear you've got safe to your journey's eend." Thank you, Lewis," said Rose; we will try and not fall off our horses."


Elliot was now mounted, bearing his rifle in his

left hand.

"I'll help you, Ellit, to bring your buck in," said Wetzel, with a significant smile-"only take care of the buck fever! Good bye."

"I see him!" he ejaculted hastily. The animal, which was a fine buck, was probably a hundred yards up the run, standing apparently motionless, and looking directly towards the wayfarers. "I will give him a piece of cold lead," he added, "if he will stand long enough. Rose, will your poney frighten when I shoot ?"

"Not in the least," she replied. skill, but be sure to hit him."

"Try your

Elliot and Rose moved off briskly, along the "Trust me that far, Rose," rejoined the youth. bridle path, up the hill. The narrowness of the He cautioned Rose to hold a tight rein, and be road compelled them to ride singly-Rose taking upon her guard, when he should fire. Carefully the lead. After passing some distance along the describing a small circuit along the adjacent hilltop of the ridge, the path descended the opposite side, the novitiate hunter at last succeeded in gainside, and led to a large run, in the bed of which ing a favorable position from which to fire at the they now were obliged to ride. The run was very noble animal, which was still gazing at the horses. rough, and had, for the most part, a ledge of rocks Elliot supported his piece against the side of a for its bed. The hoofs of the horses striking large tree, and, taking deliberate aim, fired. against the rocks, and the reckless splashing of the water, occasioned more noise than was desirable.


buck fell upon his fore knees. Satisfied that his shot had been successful, his first object was to glance towards Rose to see whether the horses

"I fear, Rose," said Elliot, "that this is a dan- had remained steady. Both animals were standing gerous road for a lady to travel."

where he had left them, and Rose waved her hand


kerchief in compliment to the young hunter's skill. [ject. When he had nearly surmounted the hill, Trailing his rifle at arm's length, he bounded to- the sharp report of a rifle saluted his ears, whilst wards his expected victim with a joyful counte- he distinctly heard a bullet whiz past his head. nance. The deer, however, suddenly recovered The horse, seized with renewed alarm, plunged itself, and retreated, limpingly, up the ravine. precipitately down the hill-passing furiously over Elliot started in pursuit of the fugitive-expecting the brush and fallen timber, and calling into requiat every step to see him fall from the loss of blood, sition all the coolness and equestrian skill of Elliot, which was, at every leap the animal made, staining to enable him to maintain his seat. Presently the leaves, and clearly marking out his course. another shot was fired from a different quarter But the wounded buck continued on at a gait which which lodged itself in the withers of the horse, slightly outstripped the toilsome march of his pur- whose headlong speed now became redoubled. suer, until, at length, he fell from exhaustion of his It was apparent to the youth that he was beset vital powers. In a few minutes more the trium- by a party of Indians. A moment's reflection dephant young hunter, to secure his prize from the beasts of prey until he could have him brought into the fort, had the lifeless buck swung high in the air on the top of a hickory sapling.

termined him to repair, with all possible expedition, to the fort, and have a detachment of men sent in pursuit of the enemy. He felt convinced that Rose had been captured by them; and inwardly reproaching himself as the cause of her calamity, be uttered a solemn vow to rescue her, or die in the attempt.

Elliot was full of pleasurable excitement. He had now killed his first deer, and he could not help smiling at the idea of telling Lewis Wetzel that his predictions about the "buck fever" had proved, by the event, erroneous. He lost no time in retracing his steps towards the place at which he had left Rose; and he derived a renewed plea-of the youth was told in a few words. sure from the reflection that he had borne out her own last injunction.

Within five minutes after the arrival of Elliot, every living being in the settlement was collected within the stockade fort at Wheeling. The story

"This is a distressing affair," said Col. Zane, the commandant of the garrison. "It is fortunate, however, that Major M'Colloch is with us to-day. Twelve mounted men under his command will capture the copper-colored rascals before sunset, and restore the dear child to us unharmed. What say

He had performed but a short distance of his retrograde march, when he discovered his horse galloping towards him, with nostrils distended, and the reins of his bridle broken and flapping against his breast. A familiar word spoken to the af-you, Major M'Colloch ?"

frighted steed caused him to stop, and his master "I am always ready, sir, for any thing in the secured him. Tying together the broken reins as shape of an Indian fight," replied the intrepid well as he could, he vaulted upon the saddle and hunter. dashed off down the ravine at full speed. The "Then select twelve men-myself among the horse frequently started at some object on the way-number-mount us on the fleetest horses we can side, and the free use of the spur became necessary find, and-but I need not tell you more. Time to urge him rapidly forward. When he reached is precious. You pick the men, and I go now to the point at which he expected to find his fair get the horses in readiness." charge, she was gone!

"It shall be done," answered M'Colloch,“ and quickly too! Lewis Wetzel!"

"Here!" replied Lewis, as he elbowed his way through the group of persons which had collected around the major.

The feelings of the youth at this juncture were peculiarly painful. The smile of delight, which had but a few moments before illumined his countenance, was now exchanged for an expression of mingled melancholy, mortification and anguish. "I put you at the head of the list, and will exIt was impossible for him to conjecture what had pect much from you," continued M'Colloch. become of Rose; but he had too much evidence "Major Mac," said Wetzel, "I don't like the before him to doubt that some serious event had colonel's plan, any way I can sift it through. I transpired during the time that he was absent. He spose we all want to have the child fotch back shouted aloud, but no response was made to his safe and sound, but I know very well the thing call. The more he reflected, the deeper appeared can't be done 'cording to the colonel's plan.” the mystery; and it was difficult to determine what course he should adopt. He resigned himself to despair; and, scarcely aware of what he was doing, galloped off up the bridle path which he and Rose had intended to pursue. Occasionally himself"he would rein in his steed to enable him to examine the path, with the hope of detecting the traces once. of horse's feet; but the density of the leaves which

"Why not?" respectfully inquired M'Colloch, who reposed almost unbounded confidence in the judgment and skill of Lewis Wetzel.

"Becase the very minute Old Cross-Fire finds

"Old Cross-Fire!" exclaimed a dozen voices at

"Aye, Old Cross-Fire!" repeated Wetzel, with covered the ground, effectually defeated the ob- rather a sneering emphasis, "he's at the top and


bottom of this business; and, the very minute he than I can with a pack of noisy fellows along with finds himself hunted down by horsemen, he will scalp poor Rose, and then take good care to put himself and his cursed red-skin gang out of harm's way."

"Wetzel is right," said the colonel, after he had revolved the question in his mind. "In an affair of this kind, I have never found him wrong. Major

“But how do you know the Indian gang to be M'Colloch, we will commit the business to him Old Cross-Fire's ?" asked M'Colloch.

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Why, you see, Major Mac, I jest tuck the trouble, a-bit ago, to pick out the bullet that was lodged in Ellit's horse. Here it is. I know the size of the old rascal's balls too well to be mistaken." "Perhaps you are right," said M'Colloch, after he had examined the shapeless piece of lead.

'There's nary doubt about it,” replied Wetzel. "Upon reflection," remarked M'Colloch, "I agree with you that it is not prudent to go mounted. We will all go on foot."

"I don't like that, neither," said Wetzel. "If go, there will be too many of us to do any

we all good."

"How many do you think will be sufficient for the purpose?" inquired the major.


"I am glad to hear you say so, colonel!" exclaimed Wetzel, whose eyes now suddenly brightened with hope and joy-" I'll give a good account of myself."

"I shall go with you, Lewis," said Elliot, impatiently-"I will go at the risk of my life!"

"So you may,” replied the hunter; "you will do no harm. You wont be headstrong, becase you're a green hand, and will have to do jest as I tell you. Besides, you ought to help Rose out of the bad box your foolery got her into."

"Where do you purpose going?" asked Col. Zane.

"Straight to the mouth of Short creek; that's the pint Old Cross-Fire always crosses at. It is or, gitting fur now into the arternoon, so we'll have to be brisk. Ellit, is your rifle and all your fixin's in good order?"

"All right," responded the youth.
"Then, come, let's be off."

"Two, at the outside," returned Wetzel ; if the colonel's agreed, I'll go by myself." "That will never do!" exclaimed several. "I tell you, Lewis," said Elliot, who stepped boldly up to the hunter, "that I shall go at all hazards. It was through my indiscretion that The two adventurers shouldered their firelocks, Miss Mason fell into the hands of the Indians, and and as they passed through the gate of the fortifino power under the sun shall prevent me from aid-cation, many a brief prayer for their success was ing in her rescue!"

"Don't talk so fast," observed the imperturbable scout-"jest let me fix the thing, Ellit.”


'Wetzel," said M'Colloch, "too much may be risked by sending out an inefficient force. Here comes the colonel; we will hear what he has to say about it."

The colonel, who now reappeared to announce that the horses were forthcoming, had Wetzel's objection to the original plan, and his desire to take the matter into his own hands, fully explained to him.

uttered by the inmates of the fort; all of whom had been deeply interested auditors of the conversation above related. They pursued a well-beaten path four or five miles up the bank of the river, until they reached the mouth of a large run, which emptied itself into the Ohio, immediately opposite a small island in the latter stream. Here, nature appeared in her wildest aspect.

"This is a suspicious looking place," observed Elliot.

"Not a bit," said Wetzel. "There haint been an Indian here for a long, long time. A good "What can you do by yourself?" asked the colo- while back, this was a famous place for 'em to nel of Wetzel.



"Why, colonel, I will do all that I can. I'll get child out of their red paws, if I have to follow the skulking dogs all the way to the Sandusky towns."

cross over in their canoes; and many's the time I've laid for days and nights at a stretch, on the pint of that little island yander, watching the motions of the red-skins, to git a chance to riddle their hides with my old woman here," and the hunter "But you should have help," remarked the patted the breech of his gun with manifest affeccolonel. tion. "Old Cross-Fire," he continued, "used to "Colonel, you aint a gitting jubous of me, I paddle over, hereabouts; but me and him have had hope, at this late day? Did you ever know Lewis so many cracks at each other, along yander, that Wetzel to act the fool when red-skins were about? he's got afeard to ventur his old red hide in this Now, if we want to fetch back poor Rose, we must quarter, any more. He's got his ferry at Short go about the business like true Indian hunters-not creek, now; and there's where we'll have to nail like fox hunters." him."

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"Then, Lewis, I am resolved that my rifle shall are, and do not budge a peg, nor make a bit of kill the infernal old scoundrel!”

"Tut, tut, Ellit! Do jest as I tell you; I didn't fetch you along to talk that way. Boy, there's nary man in this part of the univarse that I'd trust with Old Cross-Fire."

noise, while I go and look around a little."

He cautiously drew the branches aside, and glided through the bushes with a quietness peculiar to the skilful Indian hunter. After an absence of several minutes he returned, and made a signal to

"But if a fair chance should offer, Lewis, why Elliot to follow him. The latter stepped forward may I not as well pull at him?"

"Becase it wouldn't be of no use, at all; for it runs strong in my head that powder and lead can't kill him. My old woman here has tried so often to hush his jaw, without doing it, that I've made up my mind to try him some other way. He's got a charmed life-that's a clear case!"

as cautiously as he could, and accompanied Lewis a few rods up the creek bank, when the elder hunter called the attention of his companion to the stumps of two bushes, on which the recent marks of the hatchet were visible.

"This one," whispered Wetzel, stooping down to the nearer stump, was cut by Old Cross-Fire

"Fudge, Lewis! Do you believe in such old himself." woman's stories ?"

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“How do you know that?" inquired Elliot.
"Can't you see that it was cut by a left-handed

where the heel of the hatchet cuts it; and that high pint is next to us on this stump, and on the left side."

"Well, I dont't know that I do, as a gineral thing; but I must say that I've satisfied myself man? The highest pint of a stump is always that Old Cross-Fire is proof agin rifle balls, any how. But we must move along quicker, Ellit. We're only half way to Short creek, and we haven't a minute's time to spare. "I understand you," said the youth. "Your "I can keep up with you-move along," said reasoning is conclusive that the bush was cut by a the youth. left-handed man."

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"It is high time to quit talking, now," observed the elder hunter, in a softened tone, after they had left the run some distance in their rear. "A body has to be quiet when he gits about the Indians, or they'll be mighty apt to git about him.”

Elliot promised to keep silence. The two hunters now quickened their pace, though care was taken to bring their feet to the ground as lightly as possible. Wetzel, who walked before his youthful companion, continually glanced his well-practised eyes around him, penetrating the mazes of the forest on every side. He moved with surprising stillness, and never uttered a syllable, unless it might have been to check his comrade for making unnecessary noise,

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"Now look at the other stump," resumed Wetzel, "and give me your idea about that.”

Elliot carefully examined the second stump, and ventured his opinion promptly.


"This one," said he, was cut by a right-handed man, because the highest point of the stump is on the right side."

"That's right, Ellit. I've larnt you that much, and it's worth minding, too."

"Why is the information so valuable?"

"It's valuble on this account, Ellit: you see it shows us that there have been at least two redskins here-one left-handed and one right-handed one. The left-handed one is Old Cross-Fire, becase he's the only left-handed man I know of in these parts; and the other, I judge, is one of his hangers-on."

"But might there not have been more than two, Lewis ?"

When the hunters reached the mouth of Short creek, the sun was nearly ready to disappear behind the bold heights on the opposite shore of the Ohio. The banks of the creek, at its confluence with the river, were abrupt, though not high, and "So there might, but we can't tell," said Wetcovered even to their extreme borders with a luxu-zel, as he moved near the bank, and cast his keen riant growth of pawpaws. The outer edge of the beach of either stream was dry and sandy; but a wide strip of wet and unctuous earth next to the water's edge, had been exposed to view by the recent subsidence of a freshet.

"This is the eend of our tramp," whispered Wetzel to his companion. They were then standing at the lower angle of the junction of the streams-screened, however, from observation by the thick pawpaw grove which extended to the verge of the precipice..

"What is to be done, now ?" asked the youth, in a like low whisper.

"I'll see," said Wetzel.

eyes upon the bosom of the water. "There's another discivery I've made," he added. “Do you see that little green twig in the creek there?”

Elliot glanced his eye in the direction denoted by his comrade's finger, and answered in the affirmative.

"Well, Ellit, that little twig is fast to Old CrossFire's canoe, which is there sunk in the water; and I arger that these bushes here were cut to make forks to fasten it to the bottom."

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"And I now arger that there might have been one or more Indians taking care of the canos, "You stay where you while the old dog and his imp come ashore to ent

the forks.".

“You reason lika philosopher, Lewis. I will soon become an pert hunter, under your tutorige."

"Only do as I tell you, Ellit. Lay low, and draw your breath easy; and don't whisper another word, as you value your life, and Rose's too."

"Now, Ellit, said the scout, "you go back to your old place.nd keep quiet, and have a bright look-out, whil I slip around the pint of that hill and see what going on. Only be quiet, and do as I tell you. 'll be back before you get oneasy." The twhunters separated: Elliot to seek his original over, and the other to obtain some information of the expected enemy. The former ex-ear, his favorite injunction, "Be quiet!" amined the priming of his gun, and satisfied him- Wetzel's head was placed behind a cluster of self that every thing was in proper order for ser- green leaves, through the interstices of which he vice. He seated himself upon the ground and was enabled to obtain a view of the shore of the kept remarkably quiet-busying his mind, most creek, opposite the place at which the canoe was of the time, in fancying the situation of Rose. sunk. He observed Old Cross-Fire conduct the Sometimes he was ready to conclude that she had poney to the margin of the bank, at which place fallen a victim to savage cruelty, but he endea- he lifted his captive to the ground. The sobbing vored to dispel such gloomy ideas from his mind, of Rose, at this time, was quite audible. As the and contemplate only the brighter side of the pic-sounds fell upon Elliot's ear, he trembled with ture. He was unhappy, however, in spite of his emotion; and might have infringed Wetzel's order, efforts to restore his spirits to their wonted buoy- had not the latter, anticipating something of the ancy. In the midst of his meditations, he felt kind, turned his face towards him, and frowned something strike him upon the shoulder from be- him into silence. hind. He sprang upon his feet and discovered Lewis Wetzel standing near him.

Some time elapsed before either made the slightest motion. At length, the tramping of the poney, approaching the creek, was distinctly heard ; and Elliot made a motion towards raising his head to obtain a sight of Rose, but his purpose was promptly thwarted by the brawny arm of his companion, who breathed, rather than whispered, in his

"It's well I aint an Indian !" said the latter. Elliot was much mortified to think that he had allowed himself to be surprized so easily. "Lewis, you have learned me another lesson," said he, “and I shall profit by it." “See that you do, Ellit," replied Wetzel, in a low voice. "You must be quiet, now," he added, in a whisper.

"Did you see any thing?" asked Elliot. "Yes; they are coming!"


"Old Cross-Fire, and three others." "And Rose ?"

"She's safe enough, riding the little white poney, and Old Cross-Fire is leading it along." "Lewis, I'll shoot the impudent scoundrel, if I die for it!" muttered the youth; and he clenched his teeth with rage.

“Hush, Ellit, hush!-Do as I tell you, and all will be well. Crouch down as low as you can, and be quiet."

"The old red-skinned wretch!" growled the young hunter.

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Old Cross-Fire, setting no store upon Rose's saddle, merely stripped the poney of its bridle, which he slapped across the animal's back, and, with a second swing, threw it upon the beach below him. The poney cantered into the bushes, where it soon commenced feeding upon the wild grass at its feet. In another moment, the Indians had lifted Rose down the declivity, and their whole party appeared on the beach. Two of them waded into the creek as far as the twig which had been observed by Wetzel, where they plunged their arms into the water, and each drew forth a wooden fork. Their canoe immediately rose to the surface. Dexterously throwing out the water it contained, they pushed it to the shore, where Old Cross-Fire and the other warrior had remained to stand guard over Rose. The fair captive was then placed in the bow of the canoe; one of the Indians seated himself about its centre; whilst another drew forth the paddle, stood erect in the stern, and pushed off. The old chief and one Indian remained on the beach, probably to await the return of the


All of these motions were distinctly observed by Wetzel, who quickly matured his own plans. The moment the canoe was pushed off, he made signs to Elliot to be in readiness.

'Be easy, boy!" said Wetzel; "he is not to be shot, I tell you. I'll attend to him. Ellit, you are gitting feverish; I see it on you a'ready. Keep cool-keep cool-or you can never shoot to" kill."

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"Aim!" said he, in a scarcely audible whisper, at the fellow in the middle of the canoe. Pint directly at his body, and don't pull till I give the word."

Elliot directed the muzzle of his gun towards the water, and just then had his first view of the enemy. The sight of Rose slightly disconcerted him; but summoning all his manly energies into action, he cocked his rifle, and took accurate aim

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