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as to his popularity and as to his ability. "The South," said a contemporary of him, "has not his superior, nor the North his equal." In March, 1805, Mr. Webster was admitted to practise in the Suffolk Court of Common Pleas; in May, 1807, he was attorney and counsel of the Superior Court of New Hampshire. In 1808, he married Miss Grace Fletcher, daughter of a New Hampshire clergyman, and by whom he had four children, Grace, Fletcher, Julia and Edward; only one of these survives him, Fletcher, a naval officer.

The time was now fast approaching when Webster was to distinguish himself in a larger sphere than that of a barrister, however well known, and however large his fees, and these latter were very heavy; he had, in fact, become so much sought after that his assistance was difficult to be obtained, and his power of oratory was so well acknowledged that counsel dreaded to have him against them.

us to raise, in our endeavours to imitate the magnificent structures which they have left us.

"A spot," he said, "so distinguished, so connected with interesting memorials as Greece, may naturally create some warmth and enthusiasm. We must, indeed, fly beyond the civilized world, we must pass the dominion of law and the boundaries of knowledge, we must more especially withdraw ourselves from this place, and the scenes and objects which here surround us, if we would separate ourselves entirely from the influence of all those memorials which ancient Greece has transmitted for the admiration and benefit of mankind. This free form of government, this popular assembly, the common council held for the common good, where have we contemplated its earliest models? This practice of free debate and public discussion, the contest of mind with mind, and that popular eloquence, which, if it were now here on a At the age of thirty, in May 1813, he subject like this, would move the stones took his seat as representative in Con- of the capitol-whose was the language gress, and soon distinguished himself. in which all these were first exhibited? At the adjournment of Congress he left Even the edifice in which we now ashis residence in Portsmouth, and estab- semble, these proportioned columns, lished himself in Boston. Towards the this ornamented architecture, all reclose of the year 1822, the inhabitants mind us that Greece has existed, and of Boston determined to be represented that we, like the rest of mankind, are by one who should reflect a credit on her debtors." Not contented, however, their city, and they so strongly urged with an illustration, at once so beauthis upon Webster that he allowed him- tiful and so appropriate, the orator, self to be put in nomination, and was warming as he proceeded, showed his elected, after being absent from the audience that the Greeks claimed a National Legislature for a term of six sympathy above even that of a grateful years. In 1823, he delivered perhaps pupil to its teachers, the sympathy of one the most powerful speech he had yet Christian nation to another. "The Greeks made, in a proposition looking to an address the civilized world with a paearly recognition of Greek independ- thos not easy to be resisted, they invoke ence. A part of this speech, which we our favour by more moving considerashall quote, will let the reader partly tions than can well belong to the coninto the secret of Webster's success in dition of any other people. They stretch oratory. He calls to men's minds the their arms to the Christian communities ancient glories of the country of Plato of the earth, beseeching them, by a geand Alcibiades, of Xenophon and Prax-nerous recollection of their ancestors, iteles, of Poetry and Art, and connects by the consideration of their own desothis reverential regard with the present |lated and ruined cities and villages, by life and feelings of his audience by the their wives and children sold into an familiar illustration of the interior of accursed slavery, by their own blood the house in which they sat, the house of representatives, which is of exceeding beauty, a beauty which, as he said, it owes to the arts of Greece. He wishes to raise a sympathy with a people struggling for freedom, and he does so by pointing to the polished marble column which their forefathers taught

which they seem willing to pour out like water, by the common faith, and in that Name which unites all Christians, that they would extend to them at least some token of compassionate regard."

The American Press circulated this powerful speech-part of which, by the

way, might well have been applied to plausibility to be based upon, and certain wives and children sold in sla- clearly deducible from, the Virginia very in their own free land-throughout and Kentucky Resolutions of 1798 and their vast continent, and in the glow 1799, which are known to have been of admiration excited by it Webster drafted respectively by Jefferson and was said to equal Burke, and superior Madison, and repeatedly reaffirmed as to Chatham. In the same year he con- containing the democratic creed resistently favoured the acknowledgment specting the powers of the Federal of South American independence; and Government, and their rightful limitain 1824 made what is called his great tions. Mr. Webster inexorably deFree-trade speech, which was deemed monstrated the incompatibility of this the ablest ever delivered on the subject. doctrine with any real power or force In the same year, John Quincy in the federal government, and, admitAdams was put forward by the New ting fully the right of revolution as Englanders for President. To this superior to all governments, showed election Webster, although it was that a state could not remain in the known that he was no admirer of Mr. Union and assume to nullify acts of Adams, gave his unflinching support, Congress upheld by the supreme court; from the belief that Mr. Adams would that the contrary assumption was condo well for the country. Daniel Web-demned by the Constitution itself, and ster and John Randolph were tellers utterly at war with the public tranon the occasion, and Quincy Adams quillity and safety. Mr. Webster's was elected by the vote of thirteen speeches arrested the Jackson party on States to eleven; Webster became one the brink of committing itself irretriev of the ablest supporters of the adminis-ably to the doctrine of nullification-a tration of Adams and Clay. In 1826 committal which would have proved an he was chosen a Senator of the United act of suicide. States, and took his seat in the Upper House. Towards the close of 1827 his first wife died, whilst he was on his way to Washington to take his seat in the Senate. The next year, 1828, was signalized by the defeat of John Quincy Adams, and the accession of General Jackson to the Presidency.

During the session of 1829-30, occurred the memorable debate on Foote's resolution respecting the Public Lands, wherein Mr. Webster, in replying to Colonel Hayne, of South Carolina, vindicated his right to rank first among living debaters. It is hardly too much to say of his great and lesser speech on that occasion, that they rescued the Federal Constitution from a construction fast becoming popular, which, once established as correct, must have proved its destruction. The constitutional right of any State of the Union to nullify an act of Congress, whether by its ordinary legislature, or by a convention specially called, once admitted as legal, would strip the federal authority of all just claim to be considered a government, and throw us back upon the inefficiency and semianarchy of the old Continental Confederation. Yet that doctrine of nullification, so frankly propounded and ably defended by Colonel Hayne, in a debate with Webster, claimed, with much

In the Senate he also advocated the recharter of the second United States Bank, opposing the re-election of General Jackson, and supporting Mr. Clay in opposition to him; vigorously opposing nullification when attempted to be put in practice in 1833; opposing the tariff compromise of that year, the removal of deposits, &c. He was candidate for the Presidency in 1836, but received_the 12 votes of Massachusetts only. In 1839 he visited Europe, where, with the exception of some weeks spent on the Continent, he passed his time in England, where he was received by our statesmen, and by all with the greatest attention and civility.

He continued in the senate warmly advocating General Harrison's election, and upon that event taking place was called to fill the place of Secretary of State, or head of the Cabinet. This he continued to fill after Harrison's lamented and untimely death, and remained in it till 1843. During his administration the relations of England and America seemed likely to become embroiled through a disputed line of boundary. This dispute was known here as the Oregon question. Oregon extends from 42 deg. to 54 deg. 4 min. north lat., and from the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific Ocean. The terri

tory, vast and valuable from its products Brunswick, and Canada. The treaty and furs, north of the Columbia River, being signed in 1842, and terminating and south of the parallel of 49 deg. N. a dispute which, through a Mr. Macleod lat., is that which was in dispute be- setting fire to an American vessel, had tween the governments of Great Britain threatened the worst consequences to and the United States. The first ne- the two nations. On March the 7th, gotiation that took place about this 1850, while the country and congress much-disputed territory was in 1844, were agitated by questions connected when the discussion was left open. with the organization of territories reAmerica, it would seem, claimed more cently acquired from Mexico, and the than that for which her claim was valid. proposed interdiction of slavery therein, In 1818 a convention was made which Mr. Webster made a very eloquent threw open for a term of ten years the speech, taking stand in favour of a comdebateable land to the subjects of both promise respecting the territories and nations; America, on this, tried to against any act or proviso by congress populate the territory as quickly as aiming to exclude slavery therefrom. possible, so as to make her claim na- He argued that such an act was wholly tional. In 1826 Mr. Canning and Mr. uncalled-for; that the law of God had Huskisson proposed that a boundary interdicted slavery therein, and needed line should be drawn along the 49th no re-enactment by man. Previously parallel of latitude from the Rocky to this he had been opposed to the Mountains to the north eastern branch Mexican war on the principle that the of the Columbia River. America re-acquisition of so vast a territory would fused to agree to this, and made a proposal by which Britain would have been cut off from the Columbia River, the navigation of which was indispensable to her commerce. This was rejected. In 1827 the convention was renewed for an indefinite period. Throughout the whole of this time the claims of America seem to have grown larger and advanced with time. In 1827 the claim advanced to the 49th deg. N.; and in 1843 the President enlarged his claim again, on this occasion embracing the whole territory up to the 54th parallel; the cry being throughout the States, Upon the accession of President Fill"all or none." In England some were more, Mr. Webster again became Secrefor calling in the sword for arbitration, tary of State, in which office he conbut, fortunately, in Lord Ashburton tinued till his death. At the Baltimore and in Daniel Webster more efficient convention, to elect in the room of Fillarbitrators were found. America, under more, he was nominated to the Presiher wise and conciliatory adviser, with-dency, but the delegates gave him but drew her exorbitant claims without 33 out of 293 votes. This, and it is losing her honour, and on the 13th of said having personally to congratulate June, 1846, it was finally settled by the President elect, killed the ambitious convention that the boundary should be continued westwards along the 49th parallel to the middle of the channel which separates America from Vancouver's Island, and thence south through the middle of the said channel and the Fuca Strait to the Pacific Ocean.

Before this, which was to us in England the most noticeable action of his life, during Webster's administration as Secretary of State, Lord Ashburton, Minister Extraordinary of Great Britain at Washington, had settled the eastern boundaries of Maine, New

weaken rather than strengthen the United States. When he found that he was in the minority in regard to the invasion, he did not withhold his support from the government in voting sufficient supplies, thinking that the war, if carried on at all, should be carried on efficiently. In American parlance, Mr. Webster "invested a son" in this war, who was appointed Major in the Massachusetts regiment of volunteers; but the fatigue, coupled with the enervating and distressing climate, proved fatal to the promising young officer.

man. It became evident that his life was drawing to a close. He himself was aware of this, and had the male members of his family and his only surviving son, Fletcher Webster, sent for. He desired them to remain near his room, and more than once enjoined on those present, who were not of his immediate family, not to leave Marshfield till his death had taken place. assured by all that his every wish would be religiously regarded, he then addressed himself to his physicians, making minute inquiries as to his own con


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dition, and the probable termination of his life. Conversing with great exactness, he seemed to be anxious to be able to mark to himself the final period of his dissolution. He was answered that it might occur in one, two, or three hours, but that the time could not be definitely calculated. “ Then," said Mr. Webster, "I suppose I must lie here quietly till it comes." The retching and vomiting now recurred again. Dr. Jeffries offered to Mr. Webster something which he hoped might give him ease. Something more, Doctor-more; I want restoration." Speaking to an old friend, Mr. Peter Harvey, he said, "I am not so sick, Harvey, but I know you, and love you, and call down heaven's blessing upon you and yours. Harvey, don't leave me till I am deaddon't leave Marshfield till I am a dead man." Then, as if speaking to himself, he said: "On the 24th of October, all that is mortal of Daniel Webster will be no more." He now prayed in his natural, usual voice-strong, full, and clear-ending with "Heavenly Father, forgive my sins, and receive me to thyself, through Christ Jesus."

At half-past seven o'clock, Dr. J. M. Warren arrived from Boston to relieve Dr. Jeffries, as the immediate medical attendant. Shortly after, he conversed with Dr. Jeffries, who said he could do nothing more for him than to administer occasionally a sedative potion. "Then," said Mr. Webster, "I am to be here patiently till the end. If it be so, may it come soon!".

Between ten and eleven o'clock, he repeated somewhat distinctly the words, “Poet, poetry, Gray, Gray." Mr. Fletcher Webster repeated the first line of the elegy: "The curfew tolls the knell of parting day." "That's it, that's it," said Mr. Webster, and the book was brought and some stanzas read to him, which seemed to give him pleasure. From twelve o'clock till two, there was much restlessness, but not much suffering. The physicians were quite confident that there was no actual pain. A faintness occurred, which led him to think that his death was at hand. While in this condition, some expressions fell from him indicating the hope that his mind would remain to him completely until the last. He spoke of the difficulty of the process of dying, when Dr. Jeffrics repeated the verse: Though I walk through the valley of the shadow


of death, I fear no evil, for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me.'

Mr. Webster said immediately: "The fact, the fact. That is what I want: Thy rod, Thy rod-Thy staff, Thy staff."

A lethargy followed, from which he soon after aroused, his countenance animated, and his eye flashing with its usual brilliancy. He exclaimed, “I still live," and immediately sank into tranquil unconsciousness. These were the last words of the world-renowned Daniel Webster. His breathing now became fainter, and his strength seemed entirely gone. He lingered in this condition until twenty minutes before three o'clock, when his spirit returned to God.

So died, after a long and useful life, Daniel Webster, who, if we are to believe the eulogies of the journalists published immediately after his death, was the greatest, or almost the greatest, statesman ever produced by America. Their leading journal contained on the day after his death these words:

"Who is there left behind to fill his place? Who shall venture to occupy that lofty intellectual eminence? One of the mightiest lights of the age has gone out; a light whose radiance was seen and admired, not only in the New World, but the Old-everywhere throughout the earth where Civilization has planted her altars, and erected her shrines, and where liberty, and letters, and oratory, and eloquence are known and appreciated. The name of Daniel Webster and his fame are indeed worldwide."

And a poetess of no mean power addressed him in the following lofty strain of hyperbole :

"The honeyed words of Plato still
Float on the echoing air;

The thunders of Demosthenes
Egean waters bear;

And the pilgrim in the Forum hears
The voice of Tully there.

And thus thy memory shall live,
And thus thy fame resound,
While far off future ages roil

Their solemn cycle round;
And make this wide, this fair New World
An ancient classic ground.

Then with thy country's glorious name
Thine own shall be entwined;
Within the Senate's pillared hall
Thine image shall be shrined;
And on the nation's law shall gleam
Light from thy giant mind."

Furthermore she would prognosticate

that in the total ruin of America the name of Webster would survive! Surely these praises are tinctured with that exaggeration which frequently is the pardonable fault of a generous nation! Rather let us take the estimate of that power of Europe, which, wearing no crown upon its head, and employing no army, nay, nor weapon save the pen, and dealing not in titles or princely ministers, yet sways more willing subjects than the greatest, by its talent, its moderation, and its wisdom. We quote from the English Times: "He is spoken of in America almost as Peel was spoken of in England. The journals of the States appear in mourning for the departed statesman; writers of all denominations concur in eulogistic biographies, and the reception of the intelligence in every town of the Union is chronicled with uniform testimony to the popularity of the subject."

The writer then goes on with a searching, deep, and wise analysis, to show us the grounds of this reverential favour. The passage is marked by a great knowledge of the people of America. "In him they saw an American who had not only carried American elections and guided the discussions of Congress, but who had met the diplomatists of Europe, on fair grounds without discredit, and who enjoyed in the capitals of the Old World a distinction which in other cases was limited to the towns of the Union." But in spite of all this lavish praise and love, "It cannot be denied that the questions of the Bay Fisheries and the Lobos Islands (in which he had only looked to the immediate profit of America, not to her honour) placed the departed statesman in no favourable light either as a minister or a civilian. In his earlier views of foreign policy he was both more successful and correct. At various times it became his duty to assist at, or to conduct some of the most important negotiations in which the government of the Union was ever engaged. The north-eastern boundary, the provisions of mutual extradition, the right of search on the high seas, and the Oregon frontier, constituted successive questions of policy involving the highest interests of more than one State, and in all these discussions the influence of Mr. Webster's authority was both powerfully and meritoriously evinced, On points, too, of more ex

clusively local interest, such as the annexation of Texas, the Mexican war, the reception of new states into the union, and the compromise of slavery disputes, his voice was heard on the side of moderation and equity, indeed, when not biassed by the temptations of party, or swayed by the pressure of a political crisis, he was far too sagacious to be seduced into error or excess, and his support might be confidently anticipated by the supporters of right and reason."*

But possibly the greatest renown and worship was won for Daniel Webster by his oratory, and this was greatly aided by his personal appearance. All who saw him on his visit to England were struck with his intellectual appearance and his manly and somewhat English carriage. He had about him a certain "presence which was not to be put by," and this in the exaggerated expression of the Americans was termed godlike. His features were dark, so dark as to be almost swarthy in some lights, but yet delicately chiselled, although extremely large. His thin lip was ever firmly closed when the orator was not speaking; and his large, dark brilliant eyes, deeply set in his head, were surmounted by a towering and broad forehead which gave much nobility to his expression.

He had the good fortune before he went to Congress, to have established for himself a first-rate reputation as an orator at the Bar, or before literary and popular assemblies; and hence from the first he was listened to in the senato with attention. His style was peculiar to himself, and to his country. Cool, well-arranged, and clear; perfectly intelligible, seldom warm in the beginning, but frequently rising into the highest poetry in the peroration, his speeches took the listener captive by their strong and manly sense, then convinced the reason, finally also to enamour the imagination. Hence with those who had heard him the impression was lasting. He reminds us frequently also of the philosophical deduction of Burke, but his style is more pure and not so involved and glittering, yet there is scarcely a paragraph but which contains some truth; and the greatest praise should be awarded them from the fact of their never rambling, but always being addressed to the point in consi

Article in " Times," Nov. 1852.

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