Зображення сторінки

such institutions, and artists themselves, of later Ars, have more than doubted them.

any concur in the opinion, that academies ought properly to be schools only, wherein such instruction may be given as is not attainable in the studio of a private master. When academies go beyond this, their proper province, they degenerate into mannerism and fetter genius; and when they assume too exclusive and oligarchial a character, they damp the moral independence of the artist and narrow the proper basis of all intellectual excellence-mental freedom.

The Royal

"Our own ROYAL ACADEMY, as it now stands, is not a public national institution, Academy. like the French academy, since it lives by exhibition, and takes money at the door. Yet it possesses many of the privileges of a public body, without bearing the direct burthen of public responsibility.

"The artists, examined by the Committee, frequently concur in admitting the eminence of the present and of former members of the Royal Academy; but they com- Charges plain of the exclusive nature of its rules, of the limitation against it. of its numbers, and of the principle of self-election

which pervades it.

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Of the privileges Its defence. objected to, some have been denied to be exclusive; others have been claimed by the Academy as essential to the nature of such an institution.



"The exclusion of ENGRAVERS from the highest rank State of in the Academy, has often called forth the animadver- and claims sions of foreign artists. In the French Academy, of Engravengravers are admitted into the highest class of members; so they are in Milan, Venice, Florence, and Rome. In England, their rise is limited to the class of associates. This mark of depreciation drove such eminent men as Woollett, Strange, and Sharpe, far from the Academy. Such a distinction seems the more extraordinary, because British engraving has attained a high degree of excel

Occupation of the Na

tional Gallery.

Public competi

tions in Art.

lence: foreigners send pupils hither for education; a the works of British engravers are diffused and admi throughout the continent.

"The plan annexed to the evidence of Mr. Wilkins will explain that fully one half of the new NATIONA GALLERY has been given up to the Royal Academy Against this apportionment of the national building, a large number of artists have remonstrated; and two bodies of painters have petitioned the House of Commons on the subject. They declare their inability to compete with an institution so favoured at the public expense. It is true that the Academy can be compelled to quit the National Gallery whenever the public convenience requires their removal; but the great body of nonacademic artists contend, that a society which possesses not only this but a great many other public advantages, ought to be responsible to those who contribute to their exhibitions, and whose interests they are supposed to represent. A strong feeling pervades the artists generally on this subject. They are uneasy under the ambiguous, half-public-half-private character of the Academy; and they suggest that it should either stand in the simple position of a private institution, or, if it really represents the artists of Great Britain, that it should be responsible to, and eligible by them.

"The composition of our COMMISSIONS for deciding on plans for public works has also been, with great apparent justice, complained of. In France, the tribunal which decides between competing artists is less limited and more professional. The opinion of the public is also there called in aid of the tribunal."

Such is the substance of the Report on the more important of the topics treated of. It certainly does not present a picture at all gratifying to national

ity; and, as might have been expected, it has h more than once assailed, and with not a little Aterness.

But I apprehend that every one who bestows any serious attention upon the subject, will, after all, admit that the two leading facts asserted by the Committee

are perfectly indisputable.

the Com

a cultivated

The first is, that a cultivated taste for the great and First point the beautiful in Art is the possession of a very small proved by number of persons in this country; and that this number is small, not in comparison with any vague numerical standard (which would indeed open a field endless disputation), but in comparison with the degree in which such a taste is seen to be diffused in some other countries.


Perhaps this fact is most clearly displayed in these two particulars: first, in the application of design to our manufactures; and, secondly, in the character of those branches of art which receive the largest share of patronage amongst us. I shall quote, but very briefly, from the mass of evidence extant, on each of these points; and from unexceptionable witnesses.

James Morrison, Esq., M.P., of the firm of Morrison and Company, says:


mittee: that taste in Art is more rare in England than in

some other countries.

Evidence in proof: First, in connexion with the

silk manu-

Sess. 1835,

"I have been well acquainted with the manufactures of this country for more than twenty years. ...... I have found generally that we have been very much superior to foreign countries in the general manufacture, but greatly inferior in the art of design. We are now, and have long been, obliged to resort to the continent p. 13, seqq. for the purpose of purchasing their new designs; and, in fact, our manufactures have been greatly benefited by the opportunity of purchasing foreign art in that shape. We have generally copied the French patterns, and if we have attempted to alter, we have only injured them. .. The superiority I speak of applies more particularly to the silk trade; but it applies also to woollens, and generally to all articles in which there is a figure.




Also to metals.


The public are always ready to purchase our own goods, if they are really equal to foreign.

Fancy manufactures, shawls, ribbons, &c.

Id. p. 21,



ral ornaments in stone. ld. p. 43, seqq.

House decorations. Sess. 1836,

"The great mass of the community in this country, not m the lower and the middling classes, but a great portion of the u classes have not had their taste cultivated in proportion to t education."

Mr. Samuel Smith, of the firm of Harding, Smit and Co., of Pall Mall:



"In this country, the manufacturers in the fancy trade have means of obtaining designs, excepting by copies from the Fren for the most part. The finer fancy goods are almost exclusive French. The Scotch shawl trade has been very much injur by the introduction of the French shawls within the last few years, owing to the superiority of the pattern and design. Colou are better blended in the French manufactures than in the Englis There are many articles we are importing from France whic were we in possession of designs, might be equally well manufa tured here. .... I do not think a French article would sell witho reference to its peculiar merit, merely because it is French."



Mr. Charles Harriott Smith, sculptor of architectura


"I think ornaments are as well designed in England as in an country; but the French workmen, collectively, are better educate in art than the English workmen; consequently the French artis has a greater facility of getting his designs well executed. Th French people, as a body, seem not to be so satisfied with inferio performances as the English are."


Mr. George J. Morant, of Bond street:

I have felt the want of the power of procuring good designs in p. 43, seqq. sufficient number. .... When I have had designs, it has frequently been a matter of great difficulty to get workmen to enter into the proper feeling of them. Our native designs, generally speak



ing, are not at all equal to the foreign."

Mr. Charles Robert Cockerell, R. A., architect to

ral decora- the Bank of England:

tion gene

rally, in


"I have experienced great difficulty in procuring able assistants steel, plate, in decorative architecture..... Having resided a great deal abroad, I have been piqued as an Englishman at seeing the great superi

loof foreigners in that respect. I have visited the manufactories and iron. Sess. 1835, aly's country with a view to this question, and I have exceedingly p. 101, seqq.

ented the want of instruction I have found there. .... I have ound that from ignorance of the true principles of design, there has been a constant waste of capital in the capricious and random endeavour to catch the public taste. I have freely commented upon this deficiency, and have generally found it confessed."

Evidence, clear and decisive like this, might be adduced to almost any extent. But upon a point so much within the range of common observation, I should apologise for quoting even thus much, were it not that a vain and idle jealousy, calling itself "English" feeling, has been busy with attempts at qualifying and explaining away a truth, which cannot be openly denied, instead of earnestly looking at it to see whether it might not contain-besides a reproach upon the past and the present some useful lesson for the future.

With respect to the character of those branches of the Fine Arts which receive most patronage in England, I might content myself with appealing to our annual exhibition rooms, and to the general tone of our artistic criticism.

I might ask, if such great and varied talents as are constantly displayed in the former, were ever before productive of results so mean;-so mean, that is, if it be the true purpose of the Fine Arts-to please indeed,— but to please, while elevating and refining. There are, it is most true, not a few pictures very cleverly painted; but in how many of them is the subject, and the aim, worthy of the execution? And even as respects the last, how often do we see fine powers wasted in the production of harsh contrasts and glaring colours, and in all the strugglings after meretricious effect. Have we not, for one picture, or one statue, telling of the lofty inspirations of the ARTIST, a score which tell of nothing but the vagaries of capricious fashion? And may not

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