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it to a proper length and direction; but, when it sucks in the common way, it crawls upon the inner surface of the bark, and the turned up end of the trunk, which resembles a tail, fixes itself against the wood that is behind it, and sucks there. The extremity of this trunk holds so fast by the wood, that, when it is pulled away, it frequently brings a small piece of the wood away with it. The ants are as fond of these as of the other species of pucerons, not feeding upon them, but on their dung, which is a liquid matter of a sweet taste. These creatures are the surest guides where to find this species of puceron; for, if we at any time see a number of these crawling up an oak and creeping into the clefts of the bark, we may be assured that in that place there are quantities of these oak pucerons. The ants are so extremely fond of the juices of the tree, when prepared by passing through the body of this animal, that when the puceron has a drop not yet evacuated, but hanging only in part out at the passage, an ant will often seize on it there.

PUCK', n. s. Scot. puck; Goth. puke. A PUCK'ER. sprite among the fairies; an imp, who seems chargeable with mischievous disarrangements of ladies' work, dress, &c.: hence pucker, a disorderly fold: or from POKE, a bag, which see.

O gentle puck, take this transformed scalp
From off the head of this Athenian swain.

Turn your cloaks,


Quoth he, for puck is busy in these oaks, And this is fairy ground.


I saw an hideous spectre; his eyes were sunk into his head, his face pale and withered, and his skin puckered up in wrinkles. Spectator.

A ligature above the part wounded is pernicious, as it puckers up the intestines and disorders its situation. Sharp.

PUCKHOLI, or PAXALI, a district to the north of the province of Lahore, situated about 34° of N. lat., and bounded on the west by the Indus. It is very little known beyond the description given of it in the sixteenth century by Abul Fazel. The common but hazardous road from Cashmere to the Indus lies through this district, which is chiefly held by predatory Afghaun tribes.

PUD'DER, n. s., v. n., & v. a. Commonly written POTHER, which see. A tumult; turbulent and irregular bustle: to make such a bustle: to perplex; confound.

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Fr. boudin; Welsh potten (an intestine) Swed. puding; Span. pudin. A kind of food variously compounded, but made commonly of meal and suitable admixtures: it seems to owe its name to being originally cooked in the integuments of animals: a pudding pie is a pudding containing meat: pudding time, dinner time: hence, by a construction natural enough, any critical time.

He'll yield the crow a pudding one of these days; the king has killed his heart. Shakspeare. Henry V. As sure as his guts are made of puddings.

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PUD'DLE, n. s. & v. a. Į Latin puteolus. PUDDLY, adv. Skinner; from old Bavarian poil, dirt, Junius; Ital. padula. A small muddy lake; a dirty plash: to plash; be mired; the adverb corresponding.

As if I saw my sun-shine in a puddled water, I I cried out of nothing but Mopsa. Sidney. Thou didst drink

The stale of horses, and the gilded puddle
Which beasts would cough at.


His beard they singed off with brand of fire, And, ever as it blazed, they threw on him Great pails of puddled mire to quench the hair. Id. Limy, or thick puddly water killeth them.

The Hebrews drink of the well-head, the Greeks
of the stream, and the Latins of the puddle. Hall.
Treading where the treacherous puddle lay,
His heels flew up; and on the grassy floor
He fell, besmeared with filth. Dryden's Virgil.
The noblest blood of Africk

Runs in my veins, a purer stream than thine;
For, though derived from the same source, thy cur-

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PU'DENCY, n.s. Lat. pudens. Modesty ; shamefacedness.

A pudency so rosy, the sweet view on't
Might well have warm'd old Saturn.



cause, as we shall see, the angels were materially of the twelve intendencies into which Mexico or concerned in the erection of the capital), is one the former New Spain' is divided. It has a coast of about seventy-eight miles towards the Pacific; and, as it extends from 16° 57' to 20° 40′ of N. lat., is wholly situated within the tropics. It is bounded on the north-east by Vera


Cruz, on the east by the intendancy of Oaxaca, on the south by the Ocean, and on the west by Mexico. Its greatest length from the mouth of the small river Tecoyame to near Mexitlan is 118 leagues, and its greatest breadth from Techuacan to Mecameca is 150 miles. The greater part of this province is traversed by the high cordilleras of Anahuac. Beyond 18° of latitude the whole country is a plain, eminently fertile in wheat, maize, agave, and fruits, and from 5900 to 6560 feet above the level of the sea. Here is the most elevated mountain of New Spain, the Popocatepetl. The volcano, first measured by Humboldt, is continually burning; but for these several centuries it ha thrown nothing up from its crater but smoke and ashes. It is nearly 2000 feet higher than the most elevated summit of the old continent; and there is only one higher mountain in the American continent. The population is unequally distributed, being concentrated on the plain which extends from the eastern declivity of the snowy Andes to the environs of Perote, especially between Cholula, La Puebla, and Tlascala. Almost the whole country, from the central table-land towards San Luis and Ygualapa, near the South Sea coast, is desert; but not ill adapted for sugar, cotton, and other productions of the tropics. The table-land of La Puebla exhibits vestiges of ancient Mexican civilisation. The great pyramid of Cholula is a curious monument.


'We left La Puebla on the 22d of March, and slept at San Martin,' says Mr. Ward, the latest traveller in these regions, taking the road through Cholula to that place, in order to obtain a better view of the old Mexican Teocalli, or pyramid, of which Humboldt's work contains so detailed a description. The base of this pyramid comprises a square of about 1773 feet; the height is fifty-four metres, or 177 feet. It is truncated, and, on the spacious platform in which it terminates, the conquerors have erected a chapel as if to mark the substitution of another creed, and another race, for the nation by whose united exertions this stupendous monument must have been raised. The whole mass is formed of alternate layers of unburnt bricks and clay, and is now overgrown with thick shrubs, amongst which clouds of tortolas (a small wood pigeon) are found. Its structure is said by baron Humboldt to present a curious analogy with that of the temple of Belus at Babylon, and of the pyramids of Egypt. Its object was undoubtedly religious, but as its construction is ascribed to the Toltecs, a nation which preceded the Aztecs in their emigration towards the south, the exact nature of the rites to which it was dedicated can only be conjectured. It may have served for the performance of human sacrifices in the sight of the assembled tribe; or as a place of defence in the event of an unexpected attack :-perhaps the two objects were combined, for, in the siege of Mexico, the most obstinate resistance was made in the vicinity of the great temple (which resembled in form, though not in size, the Teocallis of Cholula and Teotihuacen), from the summit of which the priests,are said to have encouraged the war

riors by whom the great staircase and platform were defended.

The view from the pyramid of Cholula embraces the three great volcanoes, and the Malinche, with a finely cultivated country covering the intervening space. The town of Cholula lies immediately below the platform, reduced, like the rival state of Tlascala, which is separated from it by the Malinche, to a mere shadow of its former greatness; but still indicating, by the size of its plaza, the extent of ground which the city formerly covered. The fertility of the plain around is very great, as from the vicinity of the two great mountains, Popocatepetl and Istaccihuatl, a constant supply of water for irrigation can be obtained; it abounds in haciendas de trigo (corn estates), many of which, in good years, are said to produce wheat in the proportion of eighty to one to the seed. This fertility terminates a little beyond San Martin, where the passage of the mountains, that separate Ja Puebla from Mexico, commences.'

The progress of commerce has in this province been extremely slow. The flour trade, formerly very flourishing, has suffered from the enormous price of carriage from the Mexican table-land to the Havannah, and especially from the want of beasts of burden. That which Puebla carried on till 1710 with Peru, in hats and delf-ware, has entirely ceased. The intendancy has considerable salt-works near Chila, Xicotlan, and Ocotlan, in the district of Chiautla, as also near Zapotitlan. The beautiful marble known by the name of the Puebla marble is procured in the quarries of Totamehuacan and Tecali, at two and seven leagues distance from the capital. The indigenous inhabitants speak three languages, very different from each other, i. e. the Mexican, Totonac, and Tlapanec. Their industry is not much directed to the working of the mines, many of which are either abandoned or very partially worked. The population of Puebla was estimated, in 1803, at 813,300 inhabitants. The extent of surface is 2696 square leagues, which allows 301 inhabitants to each square league.

PUEBLA, LA, DE LOS ANGELOS, a city of Mexico, the capital of the intendancy of this name, is one of the number of American towns founded by European colonists; for, in the plain of Acaxete or Cuitlaxcoapan, on the spot where this capital now stands, there were only, in the beginning of the sixteenth century, a few huts inhabited by the Indians of Cholula. The privilege of the town of Puebla is dated 28th September, 1531.

La Puebla stands on a plain 7381 feet above the level of the sea, and is, after Mexico, Guanaxuato, and the Havannah, the most considerable city of the former Spanish colonies. Its temples are sumptuous; and its streets wide, and drawn in a straight line from east to west, and from north to south. The public squares are large and handsome, and the edifices in a suitable style of architecture. The principal square is adorned on three sides with uniform porticoes, and shops filled with all kinds of commodities; on the other is the cathedral, which has a very beautiful front, and two lofty towers.

"We remained,' says Mr. Ward, 'during the

whole of the 22d at La Puebla, as the governor, whose hospitality and friendly disposition towards every Englishman of respectability who visits the town I have ever found the same, would not hear of our passing a shorter time with him than we had done at Jalapa with general Barragan. The delay afforded us an opportunity of seeing the cathedral, a magnificent building, in the construction of which the angels themselves are said to have taken a very active part. It is regarded by the Indians, and by a large proportion of the female Spanish population, as a well authenticated fact, that, during the time that the walls of the edifice were constructing, two messengers from heaven descended every night, and added to their height exactly as much as had been raised, by the united efforts of the laborers, during the day. With such assistance the work advanced at a prodigious rate, and was brought to a conclusion in a much shorter space of time than could have been effected by human exertions alone. It is in grateful commemoration of this event that the name of the town, 'La Puebla de los Angelos,' was assumed; and as all the details of it are recorded with singular care in the convents, which have since been built upon this favored spot, there is little danger of their not being handed down to posterity, in all the purity in which they are now preserved.

But, whether of divine or human origin, the cathedral is a very fine building, and the riches of the interior are worthy of a country that has produced, during the last two centuries, nearly two-thirds of the whole of the silver raised annually in the world. The lofty candlesticks, the balustrade, the lamps, and all the ornaments of the principal altar, are of massy silver; and the effect produced by such magnificence, in conjunction with the beauty of the columns of native marble by which the roof is supported, is very striking. We were not, however, allowed to admire them long in peace, for, notwithstanding the presence of Madame Calderon, and two or three aides-de-camp of the governor, the curiosity excited by the first appearance of an English woman was so ungovernable that the great market-place, through which the carriage had passed, transferred in a moment by far the largest portion of its inmates to the cathedral, where the crowd soon became so great that, although no incivility was intended, it was quite impossible for us to remain. La Puebla contained, at that time, a Lazzaroni population nearly as numerous as that of the capital; a naked and offensive race, whom you cannot approach without pollution, or even behold without disgust. I do not know any thing in nature more hideous than an old Indian woman, with all the deformities of her person displayed, as they usually are, by a dress which hardly covers a tenth part of her body; and in La Puebla, in consequence of the numerous convents in which alms were distributed, these objects were particularly numerous. We were too happy to escape by a different door from that by which we had entered, and to take refuge in the carriage.'

Besides the cathedral, there are other churches

and convents, well built and adorned. There are also several colleges and charity schools, both for male and female pupils. Puebla was formerly celebrated for its fine manufactories of delf-ware and pots. At present the delf manufactories have declined, on account of the low price of the stone-ware and porcelain imported at Vera Cruz. Hard soap is still a considerable manufacture and object of commerce: it is also famous for its manufactures of iron and steel, particularly swords and bayonets.

Mr. Ward says 'La Puebla was formerly a town inferior only to the capital in extent and population. It contains at present about 50,000 inhabitants, and is an important place, as being the seat both of the richest bishopric in the country, and of the most extensive manufactures of cotton, earthenware, and wool. The streets, like those of Mexico, are rectangular, spacious, and airy. The houses low, but roomy, and the apartments mostly paved with porcelain, and adorned with Fresco paintings on the stuccoed walls. The country around is rich, but naked, being totally devoid of trees, with the exception of the Pinal, a pine forest (as the name implies), which extends from within a league and a half of Nopaluca, to about five leagues from the gates of La Puebla, where cultivation re-commences. The whole distance is about twelve leagues. The road through the Pinal is extremely bad, and dangerous in unsettled times, the forest being the favorite haunt of banditti, who sometimes assemble there in considerable numbers for a coup de main.' Seventy miles E.S. E. of Mexico, and 150 W. N. W. of Vera Cruz. Inhabitants 67,800.

PUENTE DEL ARÇOBISPO, Or ARCHBISHOP'S BRIDGE, a town in the west of Spain, on the Tagus, fifty-eight miles W. S. W. of Toledo. Population 1200, The name is derived from an old bridge over the river.

PUENTE DE DON GONZALO, a town of Cordova, Spain, belonging in part to the duke of Medina Celi. Population 4800. Fifteen miles west of Lucena.

PU'ERILE, adj. Į Fr. puerile; Lat. pueriPUERILITY, n. s. 3 lis. Childish; boyish: state or time of boyhood; childishness.

A reserve of puerility not shaken off from school.


Some men, imagining themselves possessed with a divine fury, often fall into toys and trifles, which are only puerilities. Dryden.

I looked upon the mansion with a veneration mixt with a pleasure that represented her to me in those puerile amusements. Pope.

PUERPERAL FEVER. See MIDWIFERY. PUERTO DEL BAYLIO BUCARELI, a bay on the west coast of the Prince of Wales's archipelago, discovered by Quadra in 1775, and containing a great number of small islands. Long. 226° 12′ to 227° 5′ E., lat. 55° 14′ to 55° 40′ Ñ.

PUERTO DE BAZAN, a bay on the south-west coast, of the above archipelago. Long. 227° 16′ E., lat. 54° 49′ N.

PUERTO CORDOVA, a bay on the east coast of Prince William's Sound, between Hawkins's Island and the north-west coast of America. Long. 214° 13′ E., lat. 60° 37′ N.

PUERTO CORDOVA Y CORDOVA, a large bay of the North Pacific, on the south side of the Prince of Wales's archipelago. Long. 227° 28′ to 228° E., lat. 54° 42' to 55° 6' N.

PUERTO GRAVINA, an inlet on the northwestern coast of America, in Prince William's Sound. For four miles it runs parallel to the neighbouring inlet of Port Fidalgo, and the intervening land is not more than four miles across. It then suddenly turns to the N. N. E. for about four miles and a half, when it terminates in a shallow flat in long. 214° 45′ E., lat. 60° 44' N. At its entrance it is from four to six miles wide. PUERTO REAL, an increasing town in the south-west of Spain, in Seville, five miles east of Cadiz, on the bay. The streets are airy, clean, and straight. At the beginning of last century it had not more than 1500 inhabitants: it now contains more than 10,000. This is the

great depot of the salt made in the tanks that of

the isle of Leon and bay of Cadiz.

PUERTO DE SANTA MARIA, OF ST. MARY'S, the Portus Menesthei of the ancients, a sea-port of Spain, in Seville, five miles north-east of Cadiz, at the mouth of the Guadalete. The climate is excellent, having little either of the severity of cold in winter, or the scorching heat of summer, and the town is well built, well paved, and kept very clean. The Calle Ancha is about a mile in length, and resembles a superior English street in the number of shops and bustle. On the west side of the town there is a very fine prospect of the bay and town of Cadiz, and the surrounding country. The church and monasteries are chiefly remarkable for a profusion of ornaments. The public walk is fine; and there is a beautiful public garden on the bank of the Guadalete. The quay is also well contrived, but large ships cannot come up, on account of sand-banks at the mouth of the river. The only manufacture of consequence is linen and printed cotton, but the inhabitants are still more in pre

paring the bay-salt of the adjoining salt-pans.

Here is also a traffic in the conveyance of water from one of the fountains to Cadiz, for the supply of the town and ships. St. Mary's is the residence of the captain-general and vicar-general of Andalusia, and of an official of the archbishop of Castile. Inhabitants 12,000.

PU'ET, n. s., or PEW'ET, which see. A kind of water fowl.

Among the first sort are coots, sanderlings and



The fish have enemies enough; as otters, the cormorant, and the puet. Walton's Angler.

PUFF, n. s., v. n. & v. a.
PUFFY, adj.

Belg. pof; Span. poufo, bufo; French Sbouffe; Scot. buffe: and there is an oriental puf (Pers.), and Sans. pu, wind; all clearly words derived from the sound of wind blown from the mouth. A blast of wind through the lips; a small blast of wind; any thing light or porous; or any thing used to sprinkle light dust with, as hair-powder, &c.: to puff is to blow in the way described hence to swell the cheeks with wind; breathe thick or hard; swell with wind or air; move with hurry or tumult (which produces puffing); sneer at; treat with scorn, or as light and trifling: as a verb

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This army, led by a tender prince, Whose spirit, with divine ambition pufft, Makes mouths at the invisible event. The Rosemary, in the days of Henry VII. with a


sudden puff of wind stooped her side, and took in

stantly sunk. water at her ports in such abundance, as that she inRaleigh.

The attendants of courts engage them in quarrels of jurisdiction, being truly parasiti curiæ, in puffing a court up beyond her bounds for their own advantage. Bacon.

Then came brave glory puffing by

In silks that whistled, who but he?
He scarce allowed me half an eye. Herbert.
Let him fall by his own greatness,
And puff him up with glory, till it swell
And break him.
Denham's Sophy.

The naked breathless body lies,
To every puff of wind a slave,

At the beck of every wave,
That once perhaps was fair, rich, stout, and wise.


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Flattering of others, and boasting of ourselves, may be referred to lying; the one to please others, and puff them up with self-conceit; the other to gain more honour than is due to ourselves. Ray.

In garret vile, he with a warming puff Regales chill fingers. Philips. Some puff at these instances, as being such as were under a different economy of religion, and conSouth. sequently not directly pertinent to ours.

Why must the winds all hold their tongue ? If they a little breath should raise ;

Would that have spoiled the poet's song, Or puffed away the monarch's praise! Prior. Emphysema is a light puffy tumour, easily yielding to the pressure of your fingers, and ariseth again in the instant you take them off.


I have been endeavouring very busily to raise a friendship, which the first breath of any ill-natured by-stander could puff away. Pope. Who stands safest? tell me, is it he That spreads and swells in puffed prosperity? Id. The Phæacians were so puffed up with their constant felicity, that they thought nothing impossible.

Honor's a puff of noisy breath.



The pipe, with solemn interposing puff, Makes half a sentence at a time enough; The dozing sages drop the drowsy strain, Then pause, and puff—and speak, and pause again. Cowper. PUFFENDORF (Samuel de), an eminent German lawyer, born in 1631 at Fleh, a village of Misnia, in Upper Saxony. He was son of Elias Puffendorf, minister of that place. After acquiring the sciences at Leipsic, he studied the public law, but refused to take the degree of doctor. He accepted the place of governor to the son of Mr. Coyot, then ambassador from Sweden to the court of Denmark. For this purpose he went to Copenhagen, but, the war being renewed soon after between Denmark and Sweden, he was seized with the ambassador's family. During his confinement, which lasted eight months, as he had no books, he amused himself by meditating on what he had read in Grotius's Treatise De Jure Belli et Pacis, and on Hobbes's political writings. Out of these he drew up a short system, with thoughts of his own, and published it at the Hague in 1660, under the title of Elementa Jurisprudentiæ Universalis. The elector Palatine invited him to the university of Heidelberg, where he founded in his favor a professorship of the law of nature and nations, the first of that kind established in Germany. Puffendorf remained at Heidelberg till 1673, when Charles XI. of Sweden invited him to be professor of the law of nature and nations at Lunden; which he accepted. Some years after the king sent for him to Stockholm, and made him his historiographer, and a counsellor. In 1688 the elector of Brandenburg obtained the king's consent that he should come to Berlin, to write the history of the elector, William the Great; and in 1694 made him a baron. He died in 1694, aged sixty-three, of an inflammation in his feet. Of his works, which are numerous, the following are the principal:1. A Treatise on the Law of Nature and Nations. 2. An Introduction to the History of the principal States in Europe. Both these were written in German, and have been translated into English. The former with Barbeyrac's Notes. 3. The History of Sweden, from Gustavus Adolphus's Expedition into Germany to the Abdication of Queen Christina. 4. The History of Charles Gustavus, 2 vols. folio.

PUFFIN, n. s. Ital puffino. A water fowl. Among the first sort we reckon the dipchick, murrs, creysers, curlews and puffins. PUG, n. s.


Sax. piza, a girl. Skinner. A kind name of a monkey, or any thing tenderly


Upon setting him down, and calling him pug, I found him to be her favourite monkey. Addison. PUGANTZ, or Baka Banya, a free town, at the foot of a hill, on the north-west of Hungary,

twenty-nine miles east of Neutra, and seventythree E. N. E. of Presburg. Population 2400. It is the seat of a mine-office, connected with mines of gold and silver, inferior only to those of Cremnitz.

painters and sculptors France ever produced, PUGET (Peter Paul), one of the greatest

was born at Marseilles in 1623. He was the disciple of Roman, an able sculptor; and went afterwards to Italy, where he studied painting and architecture. In 1657 a dangerous disorder obliged him to renounce the pencil, and devote himself to sculpture; and, being invited to Paris, he obtained a pension of 1200 crowns, as naval sculptor and director of the works. He died at Marseilles in 1695, and left a number of admirable statues both in France and Italy,

PUGGERED, adj. For puckered. Crowded; complicated.

Nor are we to cavil at the red puggered attire of the turkey, and the long excrescency that hangs down over his bill, when he swells with pride.

More against Atheism. PUGIL, n. s. Fr, pugille. What is taken up between the thumb and two first fingers. Take violets, and infuse a good pugil of them in a quart of vinegar. Bacon's Natural History.

PUGLIA, the ancient Apulia, a large tract on the coast of the Adriatic, Naples, now forming the provinces of CAPITANATA, BARI, and Otranto, which see.

PUGNA'CIOUS, adj. Į Lat. pugnax.


PUGNACIOUSLY, adv.clinable to fight; quarrelsome. We find no instance of the use of this word in our standard writers; but our pugilistic gentlemen, and most of the monkey tribes, furnish illustrations of it.

PUIKA, or POYK, a river of Austrian Illyria, in Carniola, remarkable for the length of its course under ground. Entering a subterraneous cavern at Adelsberg, it finds its way beneath the surface of the earth eight miles to Planina, where it loses itself again almost immediately, and re-appears at a distance of five miles, under the name of the Laybach. The entrance at Adelsburg is in the form of a Gothic vault, and the appearance extremely grand. The noise of the water ceases for some time, as the traveller advances by a glimmering light; and, when he hears it again, the guides are accustomed to light up a straw fire, which shows that he is now arrived at almost impassable precipices, and that he stands on a natural bridge, while the river rolls below at a great distance. The travellers Valvasor and Keysler penetrated to a second bridge, about four miles from the mouth of the cavern, and saw the water eighty or 100 feet below them.

PUISNE, adj. French puis né. Commonly spoken and written PUNY, which see. Younger; later in time; inferior; subordinate; small.

A puisne tilter, that spurs his horse but on one side, breaks his staff like a noble goose. Shakspeare. When the place of a chief judge becomes vacant, a puisne judge who hath approved himself deserving, should be preferred.


If he undergo any alteration, it must be in time, or of a puisne date to eternity. Hale.

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