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coming out of the gate of the city. The disciples look, and they see a great crowd coming out of Nain, and the two crowds, the two great multitudes come together. and the Son of God looks upon that scene. We read often where He looked toward heaven and sighed. He had followers on His right hand, followers on His left hand, followers behind him, and followers before him. He saw the woe and suffering in this wretched world, but he looked upon that weeping mother. Death had got its captive. And shall not the Son of God look upon that widow. He saw those tears trickling down her cheeks, and the great heart of the Son of God was moved. He would not suffer that


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son to pass. He commanded the young men to rest the bier. Young man, I say unto thee, arise! and the dead heard the voice of the Son of God and he arose. I can imagine him saying, "Blessed be God, I am alive."

You know Christ never preached any funeral sermons. Here death had met its conqueror, and when he spoke the word, away went death. The Son of God was moved with compassion for that poor widow, and there isn't a poor widow in all New York, but that Christ sympathizes with her. You that are widows, mourning over loved ones, let me say to you Jesus is full of compassion. Let me say He is the same to night that he was eighteen hundred years ago when he bound up that poor widow's heart in Nain. He will comfort you, and to-night, if you will just come to Him, ask Him to bind up your wounded heart, ask Him to help you to bear this great affliction, the Son of God will do it. You will find that His arm is underneath you to help you carry the burden. There isn't a poor, suffering, crushed, bruised heart in all New York but that the Son of God is in sympathy with and He will have compassion on you if you only come home to Him, and He will bind up that heart of yours. Yes, Jesus was moved with compassion when He saw that poor widow. They

did not need to tell Him the story; He saw how the heart of the mother was broken and so He just spoke the word. He didn't take him with Him. He might have taken him along with Him to glorify Himself, but He gave him to the mother. He took him right out of the arms of death and handed him back to the mother. Yes, there was a happy home in Nain that night. How surprised the mother must have been; she could hardly believe her eyes. Oh, my friends, Jesus has got the same power tonight, and He will bind up your aching hearts if you will only just come to Him.

Did you ever hear of one coming to Christ that He did not accept? He don't care what position in life you hold. No matter how low down you are; no matter what your disposition has been; you may be low in your thoughts, words, and actions; you may be selfish; your heart may be overflowing with corruption and wickedness; yet Jesus will have compassion upon you. He will speak comforting words to you; not treat you coldly or spurn you, as perhaps those of earth would, but will speak tender words, and words of love and affection and kindness. Just come at once. He is a faithful friend-a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. He is a brother born for adversity. Treat Him like a brother and like a friend and you will have a heavenly balm placed upon your wretched, broken heart. He is real; He is tangible. We don't worship a myth ; we don't praise an unreal being. He is an everlasting, living person, a Man sitting at the right hand of God, full of the power and the majesty of Heaven. He comes here tonight in the spirit. He is present with you. Oh, accept Him, and he will deliver you and save you, and bless you. My friends, just treat him as if you saw Him here in person; as if He stood here in person the same as I do now. Come to Him, then, with all your troubles, and He will bless you. If He were here, and you saw him beckoning unto you,

you would come, wouldn't you? Well, you would be saved then by sight; but He wants us to take Him by faith. There are those here to-night that believe He is here now. Mr. Dodge, you came here for Christ's name, didn't you ? [Mr. Dodge, "Yes."] Isn't it Christ's name that has brought you here, Dr. Hepworth? [Dr. Hepworth,-"Yes."] And you, Dr. Booth, didn't you come here in Christ's name? [Dr. Booth,-"Yes."] Yes, you have come here for Christ, and are ready to confess His name. You are witnesses to His name. Yes, here are two or three gathered together in the name of Christ, and he is here, because He has promised. Take Him at His word, then, my friends. The Son of God is here to-night.

He is here.

Do you doubt

it? Is there a man or woman in this assembly to-night that doubts it? I tell you much as if you saw Him. ite in compassion, and will

He is just here as Press up to Him. He is infintake pity upon you.

Oh, my friends, that was earthly compassion, but what conception can you form of the compassion of Jesus; If you come and tell Him your sad stories His heart will be moved. Oh, come and tell Him your sins and misery. He knows what human nature is; He knows what poor, weak, frail mortals we are, and how prone we are to sin. He will have compassion upon you; He will reach out His tender hand and touch you as He did the poor leper. You will know the touch of His loving hand-there is virtue and sympathy in it. That story of the soldier reminds me of another. A mother received a dispatch that her boy had been wounded. She resolved to go down to the front to see him. She knew that the nursing of the hospital would not be as tender as hers would be. After much solicitation she saw the doctor, and after repeated warnings from him not to touch the boy or to wake him up—he had only a few days to live at any rate, and waking him up would only hasten his death-she went to his bedside,

When she saw the poor boy lying there so still and lifeless. and with the marks of his suffering so fresh upon him, she could not resist the temptation to lay her hand on his brow. Instinct told him it was his mother's loving hand, and without opening his eyes he said, "Oh, mother, have you come?" Let Jesus touch you to-night. His is a loving, tender hand, full of sympathy and compassion. Oh, my brother [looking at a young man in one of the front rows], will you have Him to-night? You will? Thank God, thank God, he says He will accept Him. We have been praying two or three days to this young man, and now he says he will take Christ. Oh, bless the Lord ! Let us pray, and as we pray, let us make room for Jesus in our hearts, as this man has done, upon whom He has had compassion, and whom He has saved.


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We have for our subject to-night one of the two young men we have read about in the 15th of Luke. There is not a person in this audience here to-night but who is as well acquainted with the 15th chapter of Luke as the preacher. Probably there is not a prodigal in all New York but that knows the story as contained in this chapter of Luke. It is not necessary for me to tell you why this young man went away. It was his nature. It is natural for a man to go away from God. "All we like sheep have gone astray; every one is turned too easily away. This prodigal went away without any reason that we know of; we are not told that his father was unkind to him, but I think, however, that the father made a mistake. I think if I had a son that wanted me to divide up my property and let him have the share that was coming to him, I should make a great mistake to give him the money. A great many people are making that mistake to-day, and if there is one person in this world to be pitied more than another, it is the man who has all the money that he wants to spend and nothing to do. When that young man came to his father and wanted him to let him have his portion, his father had better have said, "No, you had better wait until your father has gone." When the prodigal son got that which was coming to him, it says he gathered his goods all together, and took his journey into a far country. Well, he

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