Solar Energy Thermal Processes

Передня обкладинка
Wiley, 1974 - 386 стор.
Extraterrestrial solar radiation; Solar radiation at earth's surface; Solar radiation: measurements data, and estimation; Selected topics in heat transfer; Radiation characteristics of opaque materials; Transmission of radiation through partially transparent media; Flat-plate collectors; Focusing collectors; Energy storage; Solar process models; Solar water models; Solar water heating; Solar cooling; Additional methods for solar heating/colling; Notes on solar ponds, solar power, and solar distillation.

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Measurements Data
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Посилання на книгу

Applications of Thermodynamics
Bernard D. Wood
Перегляд фрагмента - 1982
Renewable Energy
Bent Sørensen
Обмежений попередній перегляд - 2004
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Про автора (1974)

A leading authority on solar-heat collector technology, John A. Duffie is professor emeritus in the Chemical Engineering Department at the University of Wisconsin and is a fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. He has published more than 60 research papers, contributed to many symposia on solar systems, and is a former president of the International Solar Energy Society (ISES). He is co-author of several widely used books on solar heat systems and thermal engineering and has been editor-in-chief of the respected Journal of Solar Energy since 1985. In 1948, Duffie received an M.A. in chemical engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and a Ph.D. in chemical engineering from the University of Wisconsin in 1951. In 1977, he visited Australia as a Fulbright-Hayes Scholar. In 1983, Duffie's Solar Energy Laboratory, at the University of Wisconsin, received the first Achievement through Action Award from ISES, and in 1987, ISES awarded Duffie the Farrington Daniels Award.

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