Quantum Heterostructures: Microelectronics and OptoelectronicsCambridge University Press, 13 лип. 1999 р. - 642 стор. Quantum Heterostructures provides a detailed description of the key physical and engineering principles of quantum semiconductor heterostructures. Blending important concepts from physics, materials science, and electrical engineering, it also explains clearly the behavior and operating features of modern microelectronic and optoelectronic devices. The authors begin by outlining the trends that have driven development in this field, most importantly the need for high-performance devices in computer, information, and communications technologies. They then describe the basics of quantum nanoelectronics, including various transport mechanisms. In the latter part of the book, they cover novel microelectronic devices, and optical devices based on quantum heterostructures. The book contains many homework problems and is suitable as a textbook for undergraduate and graduate courses in electrical engineering, physics, or materials science. It will also be of great interest to those involved in research or development in microelectronic or optoelectronic devices. |
III | 1 |
V | 12 |
VI | 13 |
VII | 15 |
VIII | 20 |
IX | 21 |
X | 23 |
XI | 29 |
CXV | 312 |
CXVI | 315 |
CXVII | 316 |
CXVIII | 317 |
CXX | 319 |
CXXI | 324 |
CXXII | 326 |
CXXIII | 328 |
XII | 30 |
XIII | 32 |
XIV | 33 |
XV | 37 |
XVII | 40 |
XVIII | 44 |
XIX | 45 |
XX | 47 |
XXI | 50 |
XXII | 53 |
XXIII | 55 |
XXIV | 61 |
XXV | 64 |
XXVII | 67 |
XXVIII | 70 |
XXX | 71 |
XXXI | 73 |
XXXII | 75 |
XXXIII | 81 |
XXXIV | 83 |
XXXV | 85 |
XXXVI | 87 |
XXXVII | 88 |
XXXVIII | 90 |
XXXIX | 91 |
XLI | 94 |
XLII | 96 |
XLIII | 99 |
XLIV | 104 |
XLV | 106 |
XLVII | 110 |
XLVIII | 115 |
XLIX | 116 |
L | 119 |
LI | 123 |
LII | 125 |
LIII | 126 |
LIV | 127 |
LVI | 132 |
LVII | 134 |
LVIII | 136 |
LIX | 138 |
LX | 141 |
LXI | 143 |
LXII | 146 |
LXIII | 151 |
LXIV | 153 |
LXV | 155 |
LXVI | 156 |
LXVII | 161 |
LXVIII | 163 |
LXIX | 167 |
LXX | 171 |
LXXII | 176 |
LXXIII | 180 |
LXXIV | 182 |
LXXV | 184 |
LXXVI | 185 |
LXXVII | 186 |
LXXVIII | 189 |
LXXIX | 192 |
LXXX | 196 |
LXXXI | 199 |
LXXXIII | 202 |
LXXXIV | 218 |
LXXXVI | 223 |
LXXXVII | 231 |
LXXXVIII | 233 |
LXXXIX | 235 |
XC | 239 |
XCI | 242 |
XCII | 246 |
XCIII | 249 |
XCIV | 253 |
XCVI | 255 |
XCVII | 256 |
XCVIII | 260 |
XCIX | 267 |
C | 273 |
CI | 276 |
CII | 281 |
CIV | 284 |
CVI | 288 |
CVII | 290 |
CVIII | 292 |
CIX | 295 |
CX | 297 |
CXI | 303 |
CXII | 304 |
CXIII | 307 |
CXIV | 311 |
CXXIV | 330 |
CXXV | 333 |
CXXVIII | 336 |
CXXIX | 340 |
CXXX | 342 |
CXXXI | 343 |
CXXXII | 346 |
CXXXIV | 350 |
CXXXV | 352 |
CXXXVI | 355 |
CXXXVII | 356 |
CXXXVIII | 357 |
CXXXIX | 359 |
CXL | 361 |
CXLI | 362 |
CXLII | 367 |
CXLIV | 372 |
CXLV | 377 |
CXLVI | 385 |
CXLVII | 389 |
CXLVIII | 394 |
CL | 408 |
CLI | 412 |
CLII | 416 |
CLIV | 420 |
CLV | 425 |
CLVII | 431 |
CLVIII | 435 |
CLIX | 446 |
CLX | 448 |
CLXI | 452 |
CLXII | 455 |
CLXIII | 456 |
CLXIV | 457 |
CLXV | 460 |
CLXVI | 461 |
CLXVII | 464 |
CLXIX | 467 |
CLXX | 470 |
CLXXI | 471 |
CLXXII | 479 |
CLXXIII | 480 |
CLXXIV | 484 |
CLXXVI | 487 |
CLXXVIII | 490 |
CLXXIX | 494 |
CLXXX | 496 |
CLXXXI | 499 |
CLXXXII | 500 |
CLXXXIV | 502 |
CLXXXV | 508 |
CLXXXVI | 511 |
CLXXXVII | 512 |
CLXXXIX | 518 |
CXC | 524 |
CXCI | 529 |
CXCII | 532 |
CXCIV | 534 |
CXCV | 535 |
CXCVI | 536 |
CXCVII | 542 |
CXCVIII | 543 |
CXCIX | 548 |
CC | 553 |
CCI | 555 |
CCII | 556 |
CCIII | 557 |
CCIV | 560 |
CCV | 562 |
CCVI | 566 |
CCVII | 570 |
CCVIII | 574 |
CCIX | 579 |
CCX | 581 |
CCXI | 584 |
CCXII | 587 |
CCXIII | 592 |
CCXIV | 594 |
CCXV | 599 |
CCXVI | 602 |
CCXVII | 609 |
CCXIX | 611 |
CCXX | 614 |
CCXXI | 615 |
CCXXII | 618 |
CCXXIII | 624 |
CCXXIV | 631 |
CCXXV | 633 |
635 | |
Інші видання - Показати все
Quantum Heterostructures: Microelectronics and Optoelectronics Vladimir Mitin,Viacheslav Kochelap,Michael A. Stroscio Попередній перегляд недоступний - 1999 |
Загальні терміни та фрази
absorption active region AlGaAs AlGaAs/GaAs amplification applied approximation atoms bandgap barrier base Brillouin zone bulk materials calculated channel Chapter characteristic characterized coefficient collector concentration conduction band confined corresponds crystal curves density dependence device diode doped effective mass electric field electron gas electron transport electrons and holes emission emitter energy levels energy-band exciton Fermi Figure frequency GaAs heterojunction impurities increases injection interaction interface laser lattice light matrix element mechanisms MESFET miniband modes modulation nonlinear operation oscillations output p-n junction parameters phototransitions population inversion potential presented in Fig processes propagation quantum heterostructures quantum numbers quantum structures quantum wire regime resonant resonant-tunneling result scattering Schrödinger equation Section semiconductor shown in Fig solutions spectra subband Subsection substrate superlattice temperature thickness tion transistors transitions transverse tunneling undoped valence band velocity vibrations voltage voltage bias wave function wave vector width
Посилання на книгу
Binding and Scattering in Two-Dimensional Systems: Applications to Quantum ... J. Timothy Londergan,John P. Carini,David P. Murdock Попередній перегляд недоступний - 1999 |
Thermal Transport for Applications in Micro/Nanomachining Basil T. Wong,Pinar M. Mengüç Обмежений попередній перегляд - 2008 |