Principles of Software Engineering Management

Передня обкладинка
Addison-Wesley, 1988 - 442 стор.

This book is designed to help software engineers and project managers to understand and solve the problems involved in developing complex software systems. It provides practical guidelines and tools for managing the technical and organizational aspects of software engineering projects.

Part One explains the critical success factors for software, and introduces methods including:

specification (using results-oriented quality and resource metricsfinding and evaluating solutioevolutionary planning and deliverinspection for quality and productivity
Part Two gives detailed guidelines for implementing those methods, using a case study as an example throughout. Part Three shows in detail how the methods can improve productivity, reliability, estimation, deadline pressure, and motivation. It concludes with a set of 'Software Engineering Templates' showing how to quantify software qualities, and further case studies illustrating inspection experience and production planning.

З цієї книги


The prenatal death of the Corporate Information System
Estimating the risk
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