Masdevallias: Gems of the Orchid World

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Timber Press, 2005 - Всего страниц: 299
For the indoor plant hobbyist, intermediate orchid grower, or anyone simply "mad about masdevallias," this is a first complete reference to these collectible orchids. An inspiring tribute to their beauty and a practical guide to their care, the book offers detailed advice on all aspects of culture. For those enthusiasts who are up to a challenge, chapters on propagating, showing, and registering masdevallias are also included.

Об авторе (2005)

Mary E. Gerritsen, PhD is also the author of Masdevallias (Timber Press 2005). Mary lives in San Mateo, California, where she gardens extensively.

Ron Parsons has been growing orchids for more than three decades and photographing them for nearly as long. He lives in the San Francisco area.

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